What does it take to run a sucecssful business?

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Master's February 2008

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There are many questions asked by new entrepreneurs when starting a business, but one of the most important ones, one that decides part of their future is, what does it take to run a successful business? A question that may only be answered by those who have attempted to and succeeded in their entrepreneurship. My name is _____ and I am a ____ year student at _____. The reason in which I am writing this paper, and attempting to determine what it really takes to establish and run a successful business is because it is a question that many people often wonder about when starting a new business. Through reading this paper, I hope you, the reader will be able to derive at a conclusion about what it takes to run a successful business and why. I have been able to receive feedback through interviews, which I have already conducted with a list of questions that I feel will help the unknowledgeable reach a presumption.

There are many different ideas that may jog across someone?s head when thinking about what it takes to run a successful business, but my main purpose in this paper is to clarify what it really takes to be successful with one?s business. It may be the actual business itself, the industry of the business, skills involved, management, employees, financial aspects, location, or perhaps even demand of the product being sold. The truth however, is that there are many different theories of what it takes to run a successful business. Some believe that it is solely based on determination itself. The whole idea of determination to run a successful business is a nice classic theory, and may be heart warming to some, but ideally does not cover all aspects of what it takes to run a...