Drama and classroom English Learning.This paper delves into a comprehensive analysis of the use of drama as a tool of teaching English to secondary school students in Hong Kong.

Essay by m_ydoveUniversity, Master'sA, April 2010

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Drama and classroom English Learning

Drama and classroom English Learning

Name Of Student:

Name Of Professor

Date: April …, 2010



This paper delves into a comprehensive analysis of the use of drama as a tool of teaching English to secondary school students in Hong Kong. Unequivocally, the Thesis revolves around the perception that Drama can be used to complement the conventional English learning process in the classrooms in order to achieve a better result. Essentially, the paper discusses the importance and advantages of students' participation in drama. The benefits lurking in the act of students practicing drama has thus motivated teachers to encourage students to participate in the school drama both within and outside the classroom. The paper recommends that drama should be incorporated into the syllabus of students. Again, students should be given independence to work outside the classroom at their own convenient time, probably twice a week, in addition to the drama practices in classrooms.

Teachers on their own part must be able to develop flexibility to the rigid classroom English teaching. The conventional method has been proven over time that it allows students to acquire grammatically correct written English, albeit with great effort. The conventional method also fails to equip students with necessary confidence in speaking English. Drama has been proven to greatly help in solving this lack of confidence. It also induces creativity in students in cases where students are encouraged to write their own script themselves. However, it must neither be erroneously concluded that this thesis intends to refute the fact that conventional method of teaching of English is effective, nor that drama serves as an absolute alternative to the conventional method of teaching English. Conversely, the paper simply subscribes to the inclination that the introduction of drama into the curriculum of...