Explanation about the gases, color, and size of stars

Essay by flirtasiasJunior High, 9th gradeA+, February 2004

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Stars are living like people do; they are born, live a long mid-life, and eventually die. Stellars are different sizes and colors that become giant balls of hot gas and change as they age, but it doesn't take change until over billions of years later. Astronomers have a strong sense of how stars are on the inside and out. Stars colors change because of their temperature. The coolest stars are the color of red and reach 5000 degrees Fahrenheit. The hottest stars appear to be the color of bluish-white and are over 90,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

All the stars in the sky are rapidly moving round and round without us feeling anything. Stellars are born by the beginning of a nebula. A nebula is a huge cloud of gas and dust that was pulled together by gravity. When the cloud begins to shrink, it heats up and becomes denser.

After the pressures build up, the four hydrogen atoms force a "fuse" to become one helium atom. This is also known as the "hydrogen fusion", the same thing happens to a nuclear bomb. Then, the outer layer cools and starts the "red giant" phase. All the stars in the sky have to run out of fuel sooner or later and they begin to die. They are not able to support the outer layers that grow to average temperatures until the helium atoms form carbon atoms. Soon, the fuel runs out, it begins to deteriorate, and then die. Since the core will collapse under the weight, the outer layers fall apart from the stellar, showing the center and turn into a "white dwarf". The stage is called the "white dwarf" because it initially glows from the left over nuclear fusion though it has no new source of energy. It shrinks until...