Hinduism Religion

Essay by mommyoftwo October 2009

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In this paper, I will explain the Hinduism religion, the cultural and societal influences that have made Hinduism vital to the origin in which it originated, and the desire for liberation from earthly existence.

The term Hinduism comes from the word “India”. It is the oldest surviving religion of the world and its origin is believed to have taken place before history was ever recorded. Hinduism is traditionally known as ‘Sanatana Dharma’; eternal religion and spontaneous by nature. In retrospect, Hinduism is not a religion in the normal sense, but it is a set of traditions and beliefs evolved over a long period of time.

Considering that Hinduism lacks a uniting belief system, I believe diversity and their strong faith in Gods is what makes up the Hindu religion. YGo Hinduism states “Religion and culture are interchangeable terms in Hinduism. Some expressions like 'Bhakti' (devotion) or 'Dharma' (what is right) and 'Yoga' (discipline) are used to depict essential aspects of the religion.

Hinduism later in its belief included idol worship, casteism, reincarnation, 'karma', 'dharma' and 'moksha'. Some moral ideals in Hinduism include non-violence, truthfulness, friendship, compassion, fortitude, self-control, purity and generosity.” (YGo Hinduism 2009)The cultural and social influences that have made Hinduism vital to the region are as follows: The purpose of life in Hinduism is to obtain liberation from the cycle of reincarnation. Nearly every practicing Hindu seeks guidance from a guru, or a spiritual teacher. A guru does not claim themselves as instructors or provide academic guidance. Rather, he or she gives advice, examples, and encouragement to those seeking enlightenment. The major sects of Hinduism are Shaivism, Vaishnavism, and Shaktism. The sacred texts of Hinduism are Vedas, Upanishads,Hindusim Paper 3and Bhagavat Gita. The three debts followed by the Hindus are the debt to God, debt...