The importance of the internet in today's society

Essay by biggieA+, March 1997

download word file, 8 pages 1.9

Downloaded 337 times

The internet is important to America and world society

as it adds another resource to enhance entertainment,

education and business. How do we know this? The amount of

information available on the Internet is growing at a rapid

rate of 10 percent in just one month. The internet is slowly

but surely becoming the number one household commidy beating

out the Television. How is this possible? Well look how much

the Internet has to offer.

Imagine being able to take college courses from highly

regarded Colleges from your own home. With the World-Wide-

Web this can all be possible. The World-Wide-Web has great

potential as human resource development tools. Many

institutions and government departments are experimenting

with a variety of methods and models for administering

this powerful new medium. For some Newfoundlanders and

Labradorians, the Internet plays an important role in their


Paul Smith teaches courses in computer studies at

Menihek Integrated High School in Labrador City and is

enroled in a doctoral program in Computers in Education at

Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

The program requires that Smith complete courses and a

thesis. He works on the course requirements at his home in

Labrador City via the Internet.

During the winter 1996 term he worked on two courses,

Research Methodology and Learning Theory. Classes are held

in an 'electronic classroom'. At the scheduled time, Smith

and his classmates sit in front of their computers and log

on to the Internet. They connect to Nova Southeastern and

participate in the class. The professor has control over the

top two-thirds of the screen while the students are given an

opportunity, at various times in the class session, to type

questions and comments in the bottom one-third of the

screen. 'It's an interesting way to go to...