Knowledge Management to Intellectual Capital to Intellectual Property.

Essay by intake21B+, February 2006

download word file, 14 pages 5.0

Contents Page

1.0 Introduction and Learning Objectives 2

2.0 Knowledge Management to Intellectual Capital to

Intellectual Property 3

3.0 Legal Issues related to Intellectual Property 5

4.0 Legal Principles of Intellectual Property and International

Intellectual Property Rights Regimes 5

5.0 Recommendations 10

6.0 Conclusions 11

Reference 13

1.0 Introduction

I am a Senior Project Manager in ISA Asia Pacific Private Ltd. I am in charge of Project Management in the Asia Pacific Region.

Our Project Management Department has employees with experiences ranging from one year to 20 years. On a ad-hoc basis, our department will develop and rollout project management tools and process map,etc in order to standardized the way we execute projects as well as to document the knowledge gained from past experiences.

However, we really do not have a well-defined and disciplined process to capture the experiences and knowledge of the whole department. In other words, knowledge management is lacking.

I agree with Thomas Stewart, author of Intellectual Capital, and he claims that the new economy is fundamentally about the increasing role of knowledge and the improved productivity that has come as a result. He says that if you are not paying attention to knowledge, you are not paying attention to your business.

It is therefore crucial to capture, manage and leverage the collective knowledge of the department in order to improve the productivity and decision-making ability of all project managers within the group. If our department productivity increased in the form of executing projects more efficiently and effectively, this will translate into lower project costs and higher customer satisfaction.

Not only do we need to manage knowledge, we also need to view knowledge as an 'asset' and protect it like we protect our company's financial and physical capital.

The question is how do we 'protect' knowledge?...