legal syllabus

Essay by jh032055High School, 11th gradeB+, July 2014

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Chapter 1- Basic Legal Concepts VYBBJ-TRJPB-QFQRF-QFT4D-H3GVB

Define law:

A set of legal rules by the government which implies on all of society and is enforced on by the enforcement officials, examples: police, courts…….. If these laws are broken they can be punished for.

Distinguish between customs, rules, laws, values and ethics:

A custom is a habit that develops due to your culture, tradition, community etc. such as shaking of hands to greet or kissing on cheeks. Whereas a rule has to be followed by those in the community or situation which the rules apply such as shopping centres and school, these may be punished by the leader of the organization. A law must be followed by everyone and can be punished if broken. A value is what an individual believes is right and lives by whereas an ethic is what the government and society believes is right.

Describe the characteristics of just laws and the nature of justice:

Laws have many characteristics which are important to achieve justice.

A just law needs to be easily accessible, relates to the public interest, apply to all members of society. The laws are enforceable and laws are officially recognized by courts, and the parliament, laws impose rights and responsibility on all people. The nature of justice also has characteristics which are important, these are; equality, treating everyone the same way with respect and no one enjoys unfair advantages or suffers unfair disadvantages. Fairness; the freedom from bias, dishonesty and injustice. Access, the opportunity to use something, everyone has access to the laws.

Define and investigate procedural fairness and the rule of law:

Procedural fairness refers to the idea that there must be fairness in the processes that resolve disputes. An example would be if two students are caught for plagiarizing then they should...