Essays Tagged: "Syria"

The scientific explanation for the existence of Vampires

enough so thatthey created charms to protect themselves from being attacked by such creatures. TheAssyrians and the Babylonians feared a creature similar to a vampire known as anEkimmu. These creature ... ure similar to a vampire known as anEkimmu. These creatures known as Ekimmus were believed by the Assyrians to roam theplanet searching for food although it was not always a persons blood but rather a ...

(7 pages) 62 0 4.7 Dec/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Mythology

The Arab-Isralie conflict

lso took Jerusalem ,Judea and Samaria. Within six days the Israelis also took their nearest threat, Syria. In Syria they were able to avoid millions of mines and were able to defeat them.Even though, ... stinian state with strict military limitations. They think there should be peace between Israel and Syria. They should also split up Jerusalem according to the needs of the people.Peace PlanI think th ...

(4 pages) 79 0 3.8 Nov/2002

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Military & International Conflicts & Security

Do the Benefits Outweigh the Problems Brought by Retaining Territory Won in the Six-Day War?

ident Abdel Nasser, sum up Arab goals in the Six-Day War. However, as great as the forces of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon combined, Israel was still able to emerge from the 1967 War victorious. I ... insula from Egypt, the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria. These gains nearly doubled the size of Israel. The capture of East Jerusalem also made it pos ...

(14 pages) 91 0 3.7 Feb/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

The Dead Sea is dying

ar the greatest is the diversion of 90 percent of the Jordan River for usage in Israel, Jordan, and Syria. The subsequent problem is pollution and the development of hotels, spas, and solar evaporatio ... lution to the depletion of the Dead Sea should be to discontinue diverting so much water to Israel, Syria, and Jordan. "Experts say there is virtually no chance authorities will ever agree to stop div ...

(3 pages) 51 0 4.4 Dec/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Earth Sciences

The Fourth Crusade

crusade increased commerce between the East and West. Mercantilism resulted with the trade between Syria and Europe. Though the Fourth Crusade increased commerce, it also established a tradition of h ...

(3 pages) 34 0 5.0 Jun/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers

Building and military program of Seti

ross between these great kings. As a man of military upbringing, he hoped to restore those areas of Syria which had been part of the Egyptian area by following the strategy of Thutmose III. Similarly, ... the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak. They show his prowess in battle and give some details of his moves in Syria; however a clear chronological picture is not evident. His ultimate objective was to conquer t ...

(4 pages) 23 0 3.5 Jul/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > Middle Eastern History > Ancient Egypt

Arab-Israeli conflict

b territory. The proclamation of the state of Israel in 1948 resulted in war between Israel, Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Iraq and Lebanon. The Egyptians gained some territory in the south and the Jorda ... for a while.During the 1967 Six Day War, Israel felt threatened by the Arab world, tension between Syria and Isreal grew in the spring of 1967 when Israeli farmers started cultivating land close to t ...

(4 pages) 92 0 4.3 Aug/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > Middle Eastern History

The Armenian Genocides, to be used with the novel The Road from Home

s who were drafted to help fight in the war. About this time, the mass deportations of Armenians to Syria started. Usually the Armenians had 1-2 days to prepare for their journey, but Veron's family h ... m their families at the city limits and shot. This left the woman, children, and elderly proceed to Syria. There was a group of rapist and murderers created by the government that was meant to attack ...

(2 pages) 13 0 0.0 Nov/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers


y starts when a war was led by the Maccabees (Jews), against Greeks'. They were treated unfairly in Syria, Israel because of their religious beliefs by ruler, Antiochus III. No Jew was allowed to prac ...

(4 pages) 17 0 0.0 Jan/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Marketing Plan for Ministry of Tourism

1- Introduction:Syria has all the elements that are required to constitute a perfect climate for tourism. She's cons ... ancient buildings and castles that belong to 20 different civilizations, which one day used to call Syria their home.Add to this, its strategic location in the middle of the old world with few hours' ... ith few hours' flight from tourists exporting countries- namely Europe and the gulf area.Tourism in Syria has gone through pressing regional impacts since the uprising of our folks in Palestine in Sep ...

(24 pages) 221 1 4.0 May/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing

Expanding into New Market

ng company located in Damascus. It aimed to expand to Aleppo market as it's a vital trade center in Syria.Acquiring accurate and specific information about the new market, the potential customers and ... Market4.1 General Description of Aleppo Aleppo or Halab with 3 million people (2000), it is Syria's second largest city 193 kilometers north of Homs and 350 kilometers north of Damascus. Alepp ...

(11 pages) 181 1 2.7 May/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing

The History of Syria, with the important turning points of this country regarding to the Middle East.

SyriaKey Facts on SyriaArea: 185,180 Km2.Capital: DamascusPopulation: 14,000,000Religion: 87% Muslim ... west, Jordan to the South. Iraq lies to the East and Turkey to the North. In earlier time, greater Syria included Jordan, Lebanon and Israel.Syria has access to major source of water: the Euphrates a ... rs and their tributaries.EconomyA warm climate and a rainy season from November until April enhance Syria's agricultural capability. Main crops are cotton, wheat, barely and tobacco.Industrial growth ...

(3 pages) 29 0 3.0 Jun/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > Middle Eastern History


o play. Saladin was the most respected man of his times by the men who really knew him. He was from Syria, a Sunni state, trying to rule Egypt, a Shiite country, which was hard, but he was tough and s ...

(1 pages) 11 0 1.7 Feb/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > Middle Eastern History

Child Development

and for the observation I used her, almost, 2 year old daughter Kathy. Kathy is Caucasian, born in Syria, but her parents are both from the United Kingdom. During the observation only the mother was ...

(5 pages) 220 1 5.0 Mar/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community > Children and Youngsters

The Rise of and Basic Beliefs of Islam.

farther but was stopped by the French of that time. Before the formation of Islam, the area between Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Iran were homes to nomads. Islam united the Arab peoples and expanded their ...

(3 pages) 52 1 4.5 Oct/2006

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Religion & Faith > Islam

Water Conflict in the Jordan River Basin

the Middle East for decades. The riparian states of the Jordan River Basin include Israel, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. These states are in a constant struggle over securing water rights for their resp ... from the Jordan River, an elongated valley in the central Middle East, and is shared with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Palestine (Lowi, 1995). The Hasbani River, the Dan River, and the Banyas River are ...

(14 pages) 77 0 4.5 Dec/2006

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Military & International Conflicts & Security

Women In Syria

houted at her and said that he owned me and had the right to do whatever he wanted to me". Women in Syria are usually viewed as weaker than men in mind, body, and spirit. They are often not only discr ... of education by their parents.Although women had reached important achievements at many levels, the Syrian society does not yet completely support equal right laws. In addition, the fact of Syria bein ...

(5 pages) 17 0 5.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History


ed at a very young age, and since he was raised by his uncle, he was taken on many caravan trips to Syria. Where it is believed that he may have come in contact with Jews and Christians. He would even ... stians. He would eventually marry Khadija, (Who he had been an agent for on some of his caravans to Syria.) and although she was fifteen years older than Muhammad, made him a great wife. They had many ...

(7 pages) 25 0 3.0 Dec/2001

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Religion & Faith > Islam

Afghanistan Animosity

pons). The U. S. has been sustaining and is still now holding sanctions in countries such as Libya, Syria, and Iraq. Since the United States offers no assistance to these countries because of their su ...

(2 pages) 1279 0 0.0 Sep/2001

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Analysis Of The "Personification Of The River Tigris"

example of artist ingenuity. This piece is from the late second to early third century. It is from Syria, a Roman city, where it was found as part of a floor in an ancient private home. The piece is ...

(2 pages) 1909 0 0.0 Sep/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American