Marketing Plan for Riverside Pizza

Essay by mypapers27College, UndergraduateA, March 2013

download word file, 37 pages 0.0


Riverside Marketing Group

2012-2013 marketing plan for riverside pizza

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Current Marketing Situation

Market Description

Product Review

Competitive Review

Channels and Logistics Review

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threat Analysis





Objectives and Issues

First-year Objectives

Second-year Objectives


Marketing Strategy


Product Strategy

Pricing Strategy

Distribution Strategy

Marketing Communications Strategy

Marketing Research

Marketing Organization

Action Programs



Executive Summary

The pizza Industry is growing steadily and has been charted as a $30 billion a year industry (Lofstock 2009). Riverside Pizza, now with seven locations, was founded by Al and Sandy Thompson and their first store opened in Lawrenceville, Georgia in 1999. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, Georgia has the fourth largest population growth rate with a growth rate of 1.5 million people. Metro-Atlanta, which composes 54% of the entire population of Georgia, is ranked ninth in the United States in terms of population and has a growth rate of 24%; Atlanta has the 2nd largest growth rate of any city in the United States (Mackunand et al.,

pg. 4, 2011). Being entrenched within the metro area, Riverside Pizza is fortunate to be within such a large and quickly growing market and region.

Georgia is a very diverse state with many different cultures and ethnicities throughout. Two of the largest non-European ethnicities, Blacks (30.5% of population) and Latinos (8.6% of the population), have respective population growths of 25.6% and 96.1% between 2000 and 2010 (Humes et al., pg. 22, 2011). Because of these facts, Riverside Marketing Group decided that one aspect of its marketing campaign would be to focus on capitalizing on population changes like age and ethnic composition changes throughout Atlanta.

Studies show that 57% of Americans are making attempts at eating healthier (FMI, 2006). Riverside Pizza makes...