Phar Lap and Syd. Bridge -- During the depression, what was the event and how was it inspiring for Australians.

Essay by HakeiHigh School, 10th gradeA-, June 2007

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The depression

Identify two events that happened during the time of the depression that had impact upon it and answer the questions provided.

Phar Lap:

What were the achievements of this event?

Phar lap was a famous Australian race horse that existed during the times of the depression, although at first he was a clumsy and rough horse that was seen as 'a joke' by the stable boys, he grew to be one of the most famous Australia race horses. Phar Lap had won some of the most prestigious horse races in both Australia and America and is still considered one of the greatest race horses of all time.

What was inspirational about this in the time of depression?

The Australian people saw Phar lap as a symbol of 'an Australian Battler', in the 1932, which coincidently was the highest percent of unemployment in Australia, Phar lap had won one of the most famous races of all time.

I think what most appealed to the nation the fact he came from nothing, and was considered as not being even race worthy, then he became an internationally renowned race horse. This could then be related to Australia, and the feeling that the country would be okay after the depression that was so sought after, was found.

Sydney Harbour Bridge:

What were the achievements of this event?

The Sydney Harbour Bridge is a Bridge that started construction in 1922 and was completed on the 19th of August 1930. It was built for the demand pressed by the community so that the area could expand. It measures 135 Metres above sea point at the highest point and is described as being 'a great arch bridge of the age, a commanding structure with stately towers that stand like the Pillars of Hercules bestriding the tide.

What was inspirational about this in the time of depression?

It gave Australians something to believe in, it kick-started part of the economy (allowing more trade to and from countries) and was a magnificent site. It also enabled employment for Australians, such as repairers, cleaners and painters.