Pharaohs Of Ancient Egypt

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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The Ancient Egyptian Government isn't like our Government today; in fact it is very different. Only one man ruled the Ancient Egyptian government. This man was the Pharaoh. By some people, Pharaoh, was considered a king, to others, he was considered a god. As a god Pharaoh was the secret to the heavens and the earth. This is a picture of Ramses the great; he was the most famous ruler of ancient Egypt Another well-known Ancient Egyptian ruler is King Tut. He was the youngest Ancient Egyptian ruler to live. A man of the name Howard Carter discovered his body in 1922.

The Ancient Egyptian Government isn't like our Government today; in fact it is very different. Only one man ruled the Ancient Egyptian government. This man was the Pharaoh. By some people, Pharaoh, was considered a king, to others, he was considered a god.

As a god Pharaoh was the secret to the heavens and the earth. This is a picture of Ramses the great; he was the most famous ruler of ancient Egypt. Another well-known Ancient Egyptian ruler is King Tut. He was the youngest Ancient Egyptian ruler to live. A man of the name Howard Carter discovered his body in 1922.