When you think about money, what is the first thing that pops into your mind? Obtaining everything you want- no matter the cost. When you hear someone described as being rich, what kind of person would you think they were? Proud... cruel... greedy... selfish- all common answers. What is it that draws people to money? The fame... the status... being in control... fulfilling all of your desires. Some of the most famous people of this century are rich movie stars, recording artists and politicians. They are no better than anyone else in theory- yet their wealth and glamorous lifestyle sets them apart from the rest. They live lifestyles to be desired, as they are believed to be the epitome of contentment. With enough money, a person can buy anything. Could this be true about life? Is happiness associated with wealth and status? There is reason to suggest that it is not because thing are not always as good as they seem.
Money is often the root of unhappiness.
Throughout Great Expectations, the predominant cause of unhappiness and malicious behaviour conducted by Miss Havisham, Estella and Pip is pride because of an accumulated wealth. Without money, they would not have led miserable lives without satisfaction and therefore have been cruel to others. Consequently, the entire plot line would have ceased to exist.
Miss Havisham, aged and bitter as she was, inherited all of her wealth and never worked for a dime of it. As Miss Havisham's dignified and luxurious lifestyle is all centered around money, she would never see any job or act of kindness done for free. When Miss Havisham is talking to Joe about Pip being his new apprentice, she says, "You expect... no premium with this boy?" (p 110) She is quite surprised that Joe would not try...
Nice essay
Nice essay, some very interesting and original arguments about the theme!
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