Psychology and psychosocial.Kohlberg's Heinz moral dilemma response. word 2007.

Essay by loonyloonUniversity, Bachelor'sB+, April 2008

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Study and think about the Heinz example described on pages 222 to 225. Then try to imagine the reasoning for saying "YES, Heinz should steal the drug" for each of the 3 levels of moral reasoning, Preconventional, Conventional, and Postconventional. Then try to imagine the reasoning for saying "NO, Heinz should not steal the drug" for each of the 3 levels. (Don't worry too much about the stages-just the levels.) The reasons Yes and No answers I think that Heinz should steal the drug based on Kohlberg's well known story of a moral dilemma involving morals of man for another person's life; My "YES" and "NO" answers are based on each of the 3 levels according Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning, preconventional, conventional, and postconventional level of moral reasoning. My answer varies on what position I put in and I can answer "YES" or "NO" in all the situations based on all three levels of Kohlberg's morality.

Kohlberg's Stages:

Conventional Stage-- reasoning based on internalized rules. Focus is on social order

- Heinz should not steal because it is against the law -or- should because a man should protect his wife.

Post conventional Stage--Morality based on abstract principles that can conflict with societal standards. Focus on personal codes of ethics, not societal norms. - Heinz can steal the drug because saving a life is more important than society's dictum against stealing.

Problems: evaluated with an abstract code of justice which ensures fairness to the individual, rather than concern of the welfare of others.

- Women tend to adopt a caring moral code; men tend to have a moral code based on justice, thus there may be a gender bias in Kohlberg's theory.

Culture seems to matter more than gender

- Is it OK to beat...