Pyschology. Anger Management. 10 pages, 2800 words with references. Written by a 4.0 gpa student.

Essay by offrdbikr757College, UndergraduateA+, February 2003

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Everyone experiences anger from time to time. Most of us view anger as 'bad', and it is often associated with rage. Even babies exhibit signs that are interpreted as anger, such as crying or screaming. Anger is not unique to humans. Animals also have the ability to feel and express anger. In our personal lives we get angry over at least one thing whether it is on the job, or with a spouse or loved one on almost a daily basis. As humans, we are hardwired to feel anger just as we feel love and other emotions. There are many schools of thought regarding anger management. Anger is an emotion that is difficult to control. If anger is allowed to fester it often results in rage or other inappropriate behaviors. The misconception about anger is that it is always a bad thing. However, anger can be as destructive as a nuclear bomb, or as productive as a nuclear power plant.

It is essential to learn to harness the power of anger and turn it to good use. Anger can be viewed positively or negatively, depending on how it is expressed. Knowing how to recognize and express it appropriately can help us to reach goals, handle emergencies, and solve problems. If it is not done effectively we may severely ruin our health as well as the relationships we have on a daily basis.

Anger is an emotion that is a double-edged sword. It has been viewed as a disbalance as far back as Plato. Even today, Webster's dictionary reinforces the negative perception of anger as; "A violent, revengeful passion or emotion, excited by a real or supposed injury to oneself or others; passion; ire; choler; rage; wrath." (Webster's, 1981, p.39).

Anger can alter your body in many ways. Dr. Gaylin...