"The Storm" by Kate Chopin.

Essay by DboCollege, Undergraduate April 2003

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Reinforcing the Plot Through the Setting As Seen In "The Storm"

The short story "The Storm" by Kate Chopin revolves around a setting that is both exciting and enticing. Chopin's portrayal of the storm's setting reinforces the plot's main thematic elements through descriptive imagery that coincides with the characters emotions throughout the story. The characters in this story, Alcee and Calixta in particular, each make their own best of the situation as the storm hits. The storm is described as a violent one, with thrashing winds and blinding rain. The cracking of the thunder is frightening to Calixta, and jump-starts an emotional reunion between her and Alcee.

Alcee takes shelter in Calixta and her husband, Bobintot's home before the storm begins. Alcee, hearing the rumble of the thunder and the uneasy voice of Calixta, tries to comfort her. While the rain beats against the door, he reminds her of a moment that they shared in Assumption.

They then began to kiss one another as they did that night in Assumption. One thing led to another and they ended up engaging in a sexual encounter that was purely for the pleasure of each of them. In the late 1800's sex was not looked upon as an experience that was meant to be pleasurable for a woman, instead it was looked upon as an obligation of a wife to her husband.

The setting of this story seems to act as a catalyst for these two individuals to look back at their past together and to relive it. While Calixta and Alcee are fornicating, her husband and son, Bibi, are taking cover in a cistern from the storm. They were out getting shrimp for Calixta to cook for dinner. Bibi had been splashed with mud on his good pants and the collar of...