The Structure Of the Novel 1984

Essay by Jerome MichaudHigh School, 12th gradeA-, December 1996

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Usually, the structure of a novel reflects the author's message. This is the case in the novel 1984. There is a negative utopia (dystopia) that occurs. The novel is structured in three parts according to Winston's thoughts and actions toward the Party. Through the structure of the novel 1984, the reader becomes aware of Winston's conversion to Party doctrine as he first questions it, he then understands it, and finally, he accepts it.

Firstly, the structure of the novel indicates to the reader Winston's conversion to Party doctrine. In the first part, he questions it. Winston decides to write a diary. He expresses his thought's and feelings toward the Party. He writes 'Down With Big Brother' in it. At this Point he is not sure if he wants to keep writing because he is afraid to get caught. He writes about war and how it affects the children.

Winston does not think the Party should allow the hangings to be public. Winston writes about when men will be free, when the truth exists and when what is done cannot be undone. Also, Winston thinks about Goldstein. He says how Goldstein has a lot of influence on some people. Still, the majority of the people hate and despise him. He is always the face of hate in the Two Minute Hate and everywhere else, but for some people like in The Brotherhood, he is a hero. Winston thinks about the brotherhood and wonders if it is a myth or a reality. Therefore, Winston's conversion to Party doctrine becomes obvious when he writes in his diary, and when he questions Goldstein.

Secondly, by the structure of the novel, in the second part the reader becomes aware of Winston's conversion to Party doctrine as he understands it. Winston has a love...