Technology plays a huge role in the Army of today. We have a number of information technology systems in place at any given time. Those systems and their characteristics change as the mission of the Army changes. These changes take place regularly and rapidly in order to provide the most effective technological information possible. For the purpose of this paper, I will discuss some of the major characteristics of the Army's information technology system that I am familiar with and that will not present a breach in the security of our systems. I will focus particularly on the Army Knowledge Online system, which allows access to all Active Duty Army, Army Reserve, Army National Guard, Department of the Army Civilians, Retired Army, United States Military Academy Cadets, select ROTC Cadets, and Army sponsored guest accounts. I will also discuss the Army Knowledge Management strategy and what changes in the system I think could make it run more effectively.
Army Knowledge Online (AKO) is one of the primary components of the Army Knowledge Management (AKM) strategy and the Army Transformation. AKO provides a single point of entry into a dynamic knowledge management system. AKO is an information system that is strategically changing the way the Army does business. AKO focuses on enabling Army communities to share knowledge and information conveniently and securely. AKO is an information system designed to work at different levels from the individual user to workgroups and enterprise systems called knowledge networks. AKO allows users to do a number of things such as check on and make corrections to their military records, check the status of travel vouchers and military pay, continue their education through correspondence courses and it provides a myriad of other capabilities. All of these things and more help to align AKO to the...