Violence in the Media

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Over the years, violence in the media has influenced children to imitate what they have seen or heard. According to Carla Kalin television, violence and children are not a good combination. Not only do I agree that violence on TV seem to have a strong effect on children but I think you will find this is currently a hot topic of debate. At a young age some children do not understand whether or not what they see on TV is good or bad. What children watch on TV is primarily the parent's responsibility.

The article written by Carla Kalin, "Television, Violence, and Children" was very informative and detailed. Kalin makes a very good point about the increase in violence with new TV programs currently showing on TV. in the media today. Parents should censor what their kids watch on TV, and I have mixed emotions about the author's unusual style of writing.

Although Kalin provided some valid points and provided detailed examples and statistical data to support her stance on violence on television, some of the real life stories that she used to illustrate her point were very convincing.

Children learn to say and do new things from watching television shows that involve a great deal of violence. I believe that this is true because the majority of crimes committed by kids have been either influenced by a television show or video game. In the beginning, Kalin mentioned that children as young as six months watch television several hours a day. Her statistical data proved that nearly 80 percent of children usual activity is watching television. Kalin stated important facts and details about the violence on television, which lead me to agree with her ideas. The ideas provided in her paper helped justify her reasons for disliking television violence.

Even though I enjoyed Kalin's paper, I still felt that some things needed to be improved. Although, she did a wonderful job presenting her paper, her choice of words were poor. The writer explained her paper very well and the information mentioned was clear and significant. Her supportive examples were interesting and convincing, but I became bored by reading the same word used to often in almost every other sentence. The word "American children" was used consecutively throughout the entire paper, which I thought should have been avoided. Instead of continuing to use "American children", Kalin could have expressed the same meaning by saying children in American or US children. The excessive use of this word would have made the presentation of her paper better, if it had been avoided.

Overall, "Television, Violence, and Children" was a good paper. Despite the excessive use of words in the presentation, the paper was well developed and organized.