Essays Tagged: "Video game"

Gamer's taste Xbox Vs.GameCube

Today's video game society is growing rapidly and there are countless different consoles and games that game ...

(2 pages) 93 1 3.1 Apr/2002

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Sports

How to make money online using computer, it is a good tool. Pay to surf.

Get Rich Quick!Traditionally, if teens wanted money, for a certain toy, or video game, they would usually ask their parent's for money, do chores for an allowance, or sell thi ... anged, so did the prices of many things. For example, setting up a lemonade stand, for an expensive videogame, is hopeless, because it would barely produce a profit. Therefore, people need to become r ...

(2 pages) 67 0 3.4 Sep/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science > Internet and networking

"Rainbow Six" by Tom Clancy

times in their lives. Four of his novels have even put screenplays into movies, and one even has a video game bases on it. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six is an action packed novel, full of researched situa ...

(5 pages) 41 0 3.0 Mar/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

The History of Super Mario Brothers.

lumber. Not much of a hero if you ask me. It turns out that this stout little Italian man is one of video game's most famous heroes. Mario was born in 1981, a creation of Shigeru Miyamoto. His first e ... as first introduced in this game. Multiple screens could be used, making this game legendary in the video game world. Super Mario Brothers revolutionized the way video games were made forever. It was ...

(2 pages) 64 3 4.3 Nov/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Language Studies > Writing

This essay is about video games and it's effects on kids at a young age. I did it from my point of view and people i interviewed, and another essay.

Video Games for Kids?He shoots, he scores! No, 6 year old Zack Meyers isn't playing hockey. He's pla ... s! No, 6 year old Zack Meyers isn't playing hockey. He's playing NHL 2003, one of the latest hockey video games on the Playstation 2. Although, he's not really scoring a goal, you can't tell by the lo ... ation 2. Although, he's not really scoring a goal, you can't tell by the look on his face. But, are video games a healthy, safe hobby for kids? The answer is yes. Many critics will say that modern vid ...

(2 pages) 91 3 1.8 Nov/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues

Archival is not Piracy

w, if this is true, then why is one type ofarchival penalized by court? Why is the act of archiving video game carts (alsocalled "cart dumping") considered as bad as piracy? Why is it is consideredill ... legal (in archival/back-upfor personal use). Such drives have been allowed to be manufactured, but videogame back-up drives (that can be used in the same way for archival) still arethought to be in a ...

(10 pages) 68 0 4.6 Jan/2004

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law > Issues

Ethnography: Dance Dance Revoltuion Society

g their hair in the air. However, that quickly ended and music has since evolved. Also in the 80's, video games came out and swept the nation by storm with Nintendo and Atari systems. However, video g ... this shows that certain trends can emerge into even more complex idea. Dance Dance Revolution is a video game where a person is to watch a monitor screen where arrows show up, and you follow the step ...

(6 pages) 127 5 4.8 Mar/2004

Subjects: Art Essays > Works of Art

Arguementative Essay Regarding the Effects of Video Games and Violent Entertainmnet with refrences to the ideals of Modernism.

English Composition 2From Video Games to War PlanesCoinciding with the consistent and rapid modernization of technology, the e ... enhance and benefit the human experience. Some will even say that entertainment such as television, video games, and audio devices are integral parts of human life. However, if we step back and assume ... will inevitably witness a disturbing trend. This disorder is further magnified when we focus on the video game and movie industry. In fact, we see that these two American pastimes are of the foremost ...

(4 pages) 69 0 5.0 Mar/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Favorite Video Game: Tales of Symphonia

My favorite video game of all time would have to be Tales of Symphonia for the Nintendo Gamecube. This game comb ...

(1 pages) 2476 2 4.1 Jun/2005

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Language Studies > Writing

Have we become too dependant on computers that we have become deviant to responsibilities?

puters, and make the casualties commit suicide. That is not war, what they did was just basically a video game with real life casualties. Sometimes the horrors of war cannot be avoided, and must ensue ...

(3 pages) 39 1 4.1 Jan/2006

Subjects: Science Essays > Technology

Why do people play video games-"Why," the Long Asked Question

What leads people, of all ages, to excessively play video and computer games? The answers lay not with the scientists or researchers, but with the "game ... hemselves. The scientists and researchers lack a very important trait to asses the causes excessive video game play. The causes that lead people to play games range from fascination of the game to sim ... tion "why do they waste time with those stupid games?" to that, my cousin has this to say, "I play [video] games because they let me be something that I can't be in real life." Many people agree with ...

(3 pages) 45 0 3.0 Jan/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

But I love my Grand theft auto: unfairness of ruling on Rockstar Games and other violent games

It has seemed for a while that whenever video game censorship comes up as a debate topic, that games like the ever so popular Grand Theft Au ... and have been slandered mercilessly by critics because of their violent and crude nature. Creating Video Games takes immense time and effort, some games even take years to create and edit and work ou ... orce you to change things and particular details to please a category of people who don't even play video games right after you just suited them to your liking could be extremely frustrating and madde ...

(10 pages) 34 2 4.3 Feb/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community > Children and Youngsters

Effects of Video Games

Over the past thirty years, gaming industries have grown due to the high demand for video games. Not only do these video games allow a person to interact with the characters but also t ... on to interact with the characters but also to enjoy the plot of the game. Often times, people play video games for a large amount of time in order to get to the next level, or repeatedly try and kill ... atedly try and kill an enemy. But, as time goes by, people begin to question whether the effects of video games are good or bad for them. Nonetheless, the central effects of excessive video game play ...

(3 pages) 116 0 5.0 Sep/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues

Video Game Violence

s house, many children have resorted to sitting in front of a television and playing their favorite video game. Some people believe that video games do not have a serious effect on young children. How ... t have a serious effect on young children. However, research has repeatedly proven that violence in video games is having a negative effect on kids and the way they behave. Some of the games can incre ...

(10 pages) 172 1 3.0 Nov/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community > Children and Youngsters

Computers in Entertainment - Video Games

The history of the Video GamesThe first known video game was made in government laboratory in 1958. The computer was an ... the finest flight simulators ever created for any system. Also there are the games that use a laser videodisk. The disk is simply, a multiple-choice movie, an illustrated, electronic version of those ... ld a couple hours of action, the same as the regular movie disk Designing Computer GamesHow to make Video Game Software?To make a videogame you need to get the idea for the game, design what will happ ...

(6 pages) 26 0 0.0 Mar/2007

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science

American Revoultion

candy. If a kid were a principle he would get nice people out of trouble at school. If a kid were a video game maker he would make most of the games for themselves. If a kid made TVs he would make the ...

(1 pages) 1244 0 0.0 Feb/2002

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

Does playing video games affect children? Some vide games are not violent and contain no weapons, while others ha ... at dangerous to young kids, right? Wrong. All kids, young and old, could be affected by violence in video games. Statistics show it has a bigger affect on older kids, but it still affects the younger ... gger affect on older kids, but it still affects the younger ones as well.In conclusion, violence in video games can harm your children, influince them to repeat this behavior outside of the video game ...

(1 pages) 1023 0 0.0 Feb/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

TOK: Autobiography of the Knower: Describe seminal moments in your own history of knowing.

prises for me. At the beginning I would believe and hope that it would be something big, like a new video game or a new soccer ball. Over time though, most of the surprises turned out to be pointless ...

(3 pages) 21 0 0.0 Sep/2007

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy

Video Games And Teenagers

The fact that a teenager spending an excess amount of time playing video games is detrimental to their growth mentally, physically, and emotionally is difficult to den ... erent facets of their life and becoming a more violent person are results of too much time spent on video games. Though, what in fact causes this is often misunderstood. What people frequently believe ... what in fact causes this is often misunderstood. What people frequently believe is that because the video games have a violent content it desensitizes the viewer towards violence and leads them to con ...

(1 pages) 10 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Video Games And Teenagers

The fact that a teenager spending an excess amount of time playing video games is detrimental to their growth mentally, physically, and emotionally is difficult to den ... erent facets of their life and becoming a more violent person are results of too much time spent on video games. Though, what in fact causes this is often misunderstood. What people frequently believe ... what in fact causes this is often misunderstood. What people frequently believe is that because the video games have a violent content it desensitizes the viewer towards violence and leads them to con ...

(1 pages) 1431 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology