Essays Tagged: "Canadian"

The Abolishment of capital Punishment

Canada the death penalty was abolished in 1976, due to the fact that it infringes on the rights of Canadians as documented by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.1 Also, there was much influence from ... er Clayton Ruby told Amnesty International supporters that he has no faith in the infallibly of the Canadian justice system, because it wrongfully condemned innocent people'. He also spoke of Donald M ...

(19 pages) 559 2 4.7 Jan/1996

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law > Issues > Death Penalty

Accountability to the Canadian People

nner in which they have fulfilled responsibilities entrusted to them, a liability ultimately to the Canadian people owed by Parliament, by the government and thus, every government department and agen ... s ultimately accountable for their portfolio to Parliament and therefore in turn responsible to the Canadian electorate. The realization of this responsibility is undertaken upon the assumption of off ...

(11 pages) 96 0 4.5 Nov/1996

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law

Canada - of the United States of America

CANADA - OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAThe Canadian identity has always been difficult to define. We, as Canadians, have continued to defineour ... ational history andtradition. This is ironic since the United States is continuing to be allowed by Canadians to take over our economyand literally buy our country. Culturally Canada has its own disti ... , free trade. All in all we have our own government, our ownflag, our own anthem; but are we really Canadian or a not quite United State of America?In Canada, strong government involvement plays an im ...

(10 pages) 187 0 4.1 Dec/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science

"Brain Drain" Essay about losing skilled Canadian workers to the United States.

"I think Canadians need to hear this. They need to hear it loud and clear that what is going on here is not g ... d managers, educators and technologists are among the leading professionals that are abandoning the Canadian workplace for the United States. It is estimated that the net value of the movement of Cana ... earning $50,000 a year pays about 35.7% compared to 28.1% in the United States. At $250,000 a year, Canadian taxes amount to over 47% compared to 34% in the United States. These percentages easily dis ...

(4 pages) 65 0 5.0 Apr/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Current Issues

The Battle of Ypres, April 1915

It came in the year 1915 when the "New Born" Canadian Army was moved from what was their somewhat silent sector on the Western Front to the appar ... Front to the apparent space in the line in front of the town of Ypres, Belgium. On the right of the Canadians would be two British Divisions, and on the left would be a French division comprised of Al ... Algerian Force.Surprisingly, instead of a huge charge to break through the gap, and finish off the Canadians and the British, the Germans had only moved a mere 2 miles with a small contingent of men, ...

(4 pages) 35 0 5.0 Dec/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History

The Battle of Vimy Ridge.

"The winning of the Ridge gave every man a feeling of pride. A national spirit was born; we were Canadian and could do a good job of paddling our own canoe." These are the enthusiastic words spoken ... f Vimy Ridge was fought under the command of newly appointed General Arthur Currie who prepared the Canadian troops for battle. It was the allies' first major victory in the war, and what is said to b ...

(3 pages) 39 0 4.5 Mar/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

American Education and Canadian Education

or just turning 17. In Canada a student is usually 18 or just turning 18 the year they graduate.The Canadian education system has both publicly funded and private schools from kindergarten through to ... m has both publicly funded and private schools from kindergarten through to university .The lack of Canadian education organizations result in considerable diversity in the organization and governance ...

(3 pages) 72 0 5.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

Analysis of Guy Vanderhaeghe's Short Story, "The Watcher" In relation to Margaret Atwood's essay "Survival: A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature."

Drama at the Farm: A Canadian Survival StoryCanadian Writer Margaret Atwood would argue that every country in the world h ... d fortresses of that nation. With these examples in mind Atwood states that the unifying symbol for Canadian Lifestyle, and consequently literature, is "Survival". As a result of the Canada's geograph ... erial rule, Survival becomes the common thread which bonds the lives thought and experiences of all Canadians. It is more real to us than the frontier or the island. In her essay, " Survival : A Thema ...

(5 pages) 39 0 3.5 May/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

The 2004 Federal Budget Report

Martin released its 2004 federal budget. The budget attempted to cover all needs and necessities of Canadian equally, in terms of importance and availability. As with the presentation of any federal b ... e system has many very positive sides. If it were not for Medicare who knows the amount of suffrage Canadians would have to endure at the cost of medical insurance costs. An amount of two thous ...

(5 pages) 58 0 3.0 May/2004

Subjects: Law & Government Essays

Avro Arrow "Avro Arrow" by Brent Wilson This is an essay about the short life of one of Canada's finest achievements, the Avro Arrow.

The compelling rise and demise of the Avro Arrow is a chronicle of triumph and tragedy for Canadian aviation but still remains a benchmark of technology and innovation as one of the finest ac ... ion but still remains a benchmark of technology and innovation as one of the finest achievements in Canadian aviation history. The Arrow was a technical masterpiece, at the forefront of aviation engin ...

(5 pages) 43 0 4.8 May/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

BANK OF CANADA ... includes bibliography

al bank the Bank of Canada oversees many issues concerning the economic and financial well being of Canadians. The Bank of Canada's direct customers are the federal government, the chartered banks, ot ... ions, and other central banks in foreign nations. However, the Bank of Canada is accountable to all Canadians.To begin with, the history of the Bank of Canada will be discussed, mentioning how and why ...

(10 pages) 79 0 3.4 Jan/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies

Business Case Studie Travel Agency Studie Companies Stats And info about it

Conquest Vacations has been in the business of providing holidays in the sun for Canadians for over 30 years. The company, with it's headquarters in Toronto and regional offices in ... y. With the constant addition of new and unique destinations, there is always something new for the Canadian traveller to experience.During the 70's, 80's and 90's Conquest continued to grow and soon ... 90's Conquest continued to grow and soon became a major player in the holiday charter market flying Canadians to a multitude of tropical destinations. During the same period air only charter flights w ...

(2 pages) 35 0 3.0 Mar/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies

Acer Case Analysis

38 countries, and each business unit is operated as a decentralized strategic business unit. Acer's Canadian business had in the past served as an intermediation between Acer America to deliver produc ... of products sold to three different target groups - Business, Home, and non-profit. Previously the Canadian operation was selling no products directly to consumers in Canada, but Lin saw this as an o ...

(3 pages) 224 1 4.9 Apr/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies > Computer and Electronics Companies

1920s/30s: Canada's Relationship with the U.S.

ndent on the new economic program of U.S. On January 3, 1935, Bennett introduced FDR policy to all Canadians who were surprised from this policy. Therefore, Bennett's new policy didn't work. He made ... so the government would change, so he could win the elections. Bennett's new deal only helped few Canadians who were unemployed. Other people thought that it was just an effort to win the election. ...

(2 pages) 17 0 3.3 Apr/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History > Canadian History

America and Canada: Two Healthcare Systems, Same Crisis

While Americans are flooding over the Canadian border in search of cheaper prescriptions, Canadians are passing them at the border on the ... ions, Canadians are passing them at the border on the way to see American doctors. The American and Canadian models of health care systems on the surface are vastly different. So when they do parallel ... better, according to Smith (2003), their pool of doctors is also shrinking:The plight and flight of Canadian doctors reached its peak in the mid-1990s when the government tightened its healthcare budg ...

(4 pages) 150 0 5.0 Jan/2007

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

Alaskan Boundary Dispute

fined, causing a dispute between Canada and America. A tribunal, consisting of three Americans, two Canadians and one British member, decided in favor of the U.S., thus the Alaskan panhandle was procl ... r to keep strong allies with America. This caused controversy in the final decision, which outraged Canadians. This sense of anger and betrayal is what changed the governments views of its ties with t ...

(4 pages) 11 0 0.0 Apr/2001

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History

American Media In Canada

being sent over the longest unprotected border in the world. The major result of those statistics? Canadians knowing a lot more about Americans than our southern allies know about us. The Cana ... The Canadian government has made steps to preserve what little programming is produced with Canadian blood, sweat and tears. For example, Canadians who invest in Canadian feature films are abl ...

(2 pages) 1555 0 3.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Social Science Essays

Biological Warfare

article "What Will Be Next?" written by Nicole Johnston and published in the highly respected Canadian magazine, Maclean's, attempts to educate the reader concerning the possibility of biologica ... the issue of terrorist attacks is one that significantly impacts all citizens. It acquires a slight Canadian bias, in attempt to create national relevance to an American subject, by citing Canadian ex ...

(3 pages) 9 0 0.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Brian mulroney and the free tr

To many Canadians, Brian Mulroney seems an open book: a politician of the old school who owes his triumphs m ... importance to Brian Mulroney, one that he felt had been eroded by years of Liberal social spending. Canadian economic success could only be secured by access to foreign markets; this Mulroney achieved ... ova. In the election the following year, Mulroney led the Conservatives to the greatest majority in Canadian history, winning 211 seats in the House of Commons. Brian Mulroney was also a party ...

(6 pages) 1767 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science

Aborginal History

Including Aboriginal History in The Canadian Curriculum In the past several years there have been remarkable changes in the admi ... nt of work to be done; not just in education but also in response to the need for native content in Canadian primary and secondary school curriculum. Currently there is no accepted or effectiv ... ere is no accepted or effective strategies for teaching First Nation history and culture within the Canadian Social Studies program. First Nations history is mainly taught as an entirely separate cour ...

(3 pages) 19 0 3.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > Central & Southamerican History