Essays Tagged: "Contract"

Business Law

INTRODUCTIONIn this assignment I intend to show and understand the law of contract using examples, real cases and legislations.First I will explain using examples and appropr ... knowledge and through further research I will then apply the rules acts and legislation surrounding contracts to a real life situation.Explain using examples and appropriate case the difference betwee ... but still caught flu. She claimed the �0 reward but was refused, so she sued the company in contract. The court held that in this kind of contract, which is known as a unilateral contract, acc ...

(9 pages) 378 0 4.8 Feb/2004

Subjects: Law & Government Essays

Australian Consumer Protection Legislation

Governments have passed consumer protection legislation because they believe that the common law of contracts cannot adequately protect the consumer in today's complex market place."Both the Commonwea ... alth and Queensland State governments have legislated to provide greater protection to consumers in contractual situations that would otherwise not be provided by common law. Examples of the governmen ...

(6 pages) 81 0 3.7 Apr/2004

Subjects: Law & Government Essays

Chapter 17 in Law 12 textbook

Chapter 1717.1-17.21. Explain what makes an agreement a legally enforceable contract.An agreement is a legally enforceable contract when they impose both rights and responsibil ... they impose both rights and responsibilities on each party.2. List the five essential elements of a contract.The five essential elements of a contract are: offer and acceptance or a "meeting of the mi ... the minds," consideration, capacity, genuine consent, and legal purpose.3. What forms can a simple contract take?Simple contracts can be verbal, written, or implied by conduct or performance.4. Disti ...

(5 pages) 99 0 4.0 Sep/2004

Subjects: Law & Government Essays

Business law

1. In both cases, it is to be decided whether or not contracts exist between the parties involved for their respective courses of action.Elements of cont ... r their respective courses of action.Elements of contractTo be legally classified as a valid simple contract, there are three essential elements:1) Agreement in the form of an offer and acceptance2) I ... onConsideration is something to be given or done in return for something else of value whereby each contracting party gives or something in exchange for the return promise or performance of the other ...

(11 pages) 188 0 3.4 Sep/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

B law

that need to be explored. However, the two major issues that need to be argued are whether or not a contract exists between the parties and if the reasonable notice has been given.For the first issue, ... he reasonable notice has been given.For the first issue, to be legally classified as a valid simple contract, there are three essential elements:Elements of contract:(1). Agreement in the form of an o ...

(8 pages) 66 1 4.3 Sep/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Business Law Test Study Notes Review

Business Law - Test Study Notes ReviewCONTRACTS - Written. Oral. Implied.Freedom of contract - what parties agreed to in the first place i ... tricted to the court. Equal bargaining position. Acting Voluntarily.People can enter in any kind of contract as long as it meets the common law requirements.Law of contracts: common law or case law.CO ... arties to do something. The consideration is the price each is willing to pay in order to be in the contract.CAPACITY - legally capable to understand; enter the bargain. Limitations are placed on: inf ...

(5 pages) 314 0 5.0 Jan/2005

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law

The approach the Zimbabwean courts take towards the question of damages in breach of contract cases.

INTRODUCTIONA contract (according to Gibson 1997) is a lawful agreement made between two or more persons within th ... g to Gibson 1997) is a lawful agreement made between two or more persons within the limits of their contractual capacity, with the serious intention of creating a legal obligation, communicating such ... nd as to the subject matter, to perform positive or negative acts which are possible of performance.Contracting parties through agreement, breach and operation of law can terminate contractual agreeme ...

(7 pages) 29 0 3.0 Aug/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Breach of contract and specific performance: the law in India and England.

Venkata Subrahmanayam v. Bhagwat Pandey AIR 1982 Pat 219- Willan v. Willan, 16 Ves. 83Introduction.Contract Law - its broadest aims.Contract Law in India all over the world has two primary functions. ... ld has two primary functions. Even a lay person will be able to guess what these two functions are. Contract law is conceptualised, codified and enforced primarily for two reasons: Ensuring that contr ...

(24 pages) 175 1 4.6 Nov/2005

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law

Agency law (business organisation)222 (turtorial 2.9)

bility to PrincipalGenerally the agent incurs no liability against the principal with regard to the contract. Where an agent, however, disobeys the instructions of the principal, such an agent will be ... 1984] W.A.R. 365.Liability to Third PartiesWhere the agent discloses the name of the principal, the contract is deemed to be that of the principal, and the agent is not liable on the contract except w ...

(3 pages) 97 0 0.0 Aug/2006

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law

Bill & Ben Reticulation Pty Ltd vs Port Cricket Club - Income to be regarded as taxable or capital nature??

e, amounts received as compensation with the cancellation or variation of trade or other commercial contracts made in the course of carrying on business are in the nature of income. Referring to Heavy ... , where compensation for loss of anticipated profits as a result of cancellation of a distribution contract was held to be income. The taxpayer was in the rutile mining business and entered a number ...

(1 pages) 2373 0 3.7 Dec/2006

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies

Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues

de of the United States, certain legal issues may arise. This is especially true when entering into contracts with companies internationally. When a U.S. company enters into an agreement with a compan ... company enters into an agreement with a company located in another country, it must ensure that the contract, which forms the basis of the agreement, is legally acceptable. The contract drafted must p ...

(3 pages) 436 0 3.5 Aug/2007

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies > Computer and Electronics Companies

Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues

“A contract is a promise or a set of promises for the breach of which the law gives a remedy or the per ... ance of which the law in some way recognizes a duty” (Cheeseman, 2004). A violation of a valid contract is called a breach of contract. In this case Gentura would be in breach of contract with Ca ... a has decided to subsidize the production of ViroBlax, which would violate the payment terms of the contract between Gentura and CadMex.Gentura can go to court, but instead chose to get shared marketi ...

(2 pages) 107 1 3.0 Sep/2007

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law > Issues

Bigtown's Executive Summary Salt Lake city Scandal

vertising campaign, with the case study of the John Leonard vs. Pepsi case.Four Elements of a Valid ContractThere are four basic elements of a legal contract that make enforceable, which are lawful ob ... ual capacity, consideration, and agreement. According to the In Collins Dictionary of Economics, "a contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more people or firms generally relating t ...

(4 pages) 75 0 0.0 Nov/2007

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law

Business Law

Cheong and Chow entered into a contract with the seller to buy a pair of breeding African Grey Parrots each. However the parrots di ... n in distinguishing between a term and a representation is whether there was intention to establish contractual liability in respect of the statement.Application: 1. Statement made close to contract I ... innominate term.Law: Classification of a term depends on whether its breach goes to the root of the contract.Application: There was a fundamental breach since the parrots were not fit for the purpose ...

(2 pages) 33 1 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology > Psychological Theories & Authors

Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues

l recently. The partnership between Gentura and CadMex opens new opportunities.Upon entering into a contractual relationship with Gentura, CadMex was given the choice between the Candorean Regulations ... p with Gentura, CadMex was given the choice between the Candorean Regulations for Technology Import Contract (CRTIC) and the Contracts for the International Sales of Goods (CISG). The country of Cando ...

(3 pages) 99 0 3.0 Oct/2008

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law

Australian Law and Business - case study

take him to the University. Upon arrival, Albert refused to pay Jack. He claimed that there was no contract between the two parties due to no consideration existed between them.In the following, we w ... consideration existed between them.In the following, we would analysis the Legal position under the Contract Law regarding the above situation and followed by relevant recommendations.Legal position u ...

(10 pages) 33 0 5.0 Oct/2008

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law > Cases

Advise John and Sylvia whether they have any legal claim against Peter.

John and Sylvia have any legal claim against Peter, we have to determine whether there was a valid contract between the parties and whether Peter was in breach of the contract. To constitute an effec ... him(1). As in the case Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company (The classic authority for unilateral contract)(2), where Mrs Carlill bought and used the smoke ball as specified in the advertisement, th ...

(7 pages) 15 0 1.0 Oct/2008

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law

Business Law Final Exam

e on the holding out of a person as a partner is an essential element in binding said person to the contract. That the reliance resulted in loss to the wholesaler is clear, thus fulfilling another req ... owever, refused to sell Verbatim the large-screen TV for $799. Verbatim has sued Less for breach of contract. Should Verbatim win? Why or why not?Verbatim should not win the case. As per the common la ...

(10 pages) 125 0 3.7 Nov/2008

Subjects: Law & Government Essays

Business Contract Memorandun Paper(Memorandum)

TO: Kevin GrantCOPY: Jose AcostaDATE: September 28, 2008SUBJECT: Concerns relating to the contract with "Citizen-Schwarz AG (CS)."Dear Kevin Grant:This is so that advenga in knowledge on var ... ducted during the program's inception. The delay is due to the continuous changes of the originally contract and the request for new requirements that were not covered in the original agreement. To mi ...

(4 pages) 200 0 5.0 Nov/2008

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management

Case Study of The CRA Case

bout the mining company breaking/dissolving the unions and making the employees sign the individual contracts. Here we will discuss and analyse how they went about pursuing the workers to leave the un ... ss and analyse how they went about pursuing the workers to leave the unions and sign the individual contracts. Before that we will briefly look into the profile of the CRA.CRA is a major Australian mi ...

(7 pages) 42 0 5.0 Apr/2009

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management > Human Resource Management