Essays Tagged: "Energy"


orn as it takes residence in the physicalvehicle or body. The human soul is a focal point of cosmic energy, and the pattern of theheavens, as charted in the horoscope, is the means the soul comes to k ... t upon the other. The aspects or angles formed by the planets are then analyzed todetermine how the energy fields of each person blend together. Some couples form moreharmonious bonds than others, les ...

(2 pages) 126 1 4.2 Feb/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Alternative

Basic concepts and example in entropy (physical chemistry)

t and example in entropy.An endothermic process with a loss of entropy: (An Reaction which absorbed energy and result formation of more order substances/compounds)Recrystalistaion:In order to dissolve ... more order substances/compounds)Recrystalistaion:In order to dissolved the crystals in the solvent, energy is required to be put into system in the form of heat, (increasing the kinetic energy of the ...

(3 pages) 70 0 4.4 Apr/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Alternative Energy.

The United States depends on fossil fuels, like oil and coal, for energy. According to experts these sources will exhaust by the year 2050. Fossil fuels also pollute ... t by the year 2050. Fossil fuels also pollute the environment. So we need to search for alternative energy sources which are reliable and renewable.Wind power is the force of the wind harnessed by win ... and wind turbines that convert it into electricity. Because wind is a clean and renewable source of energy, modern wind turbines are being installed in many countries to supplement more traditional so ...

(2 pages) 170 0 3.8 Sep/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Technology

American Universities becoming Energy Efficient

Universities Consume Energy Like Mini-CitiesColleges and universities are actually office buildings, restaurants, retail ... trive to operate, update, and replace aging, inefficient buildings. Enrollment is rising along with energy costs and student demand for energy-intensive amenities like air conditioning, high-speed Int ... ersities are realizing they can reduce operating costs and improve the campus environment by making energy-efficient building improvements. The greatest potential for energy savings comes from improve ...

(6 pages) 80 1 3.0 Feb/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

Alternative Fuel Vehicles You Can Buy Today

idea that you think will work for an alternatively powered vehicle concept? The U.S. Department of Energy invites small businesses (500 employees or less) to submit grant applications on hybrid elect ... position). The main problem with hydrogen is bulk storage required for fuel tanks.For an equivalent energy content of gasoline, liquid hydrogen and the required refrigeration system requires six to ei ...

(15 pages) 279 0 3.8 Feb/2004

Subjects: Science Essays

All human activity counts on energy; it is nearly impossible to live without it.

SourcesAll human activity counts on energy; it is nearly impossible to live without it. It is needed everywhere. Without it we will lose ... needed everywhere. Without it we will lose all the modern technology. Now the number one source of energy is fusil fuels, but after about 50 years they will be finished, so it is important to start t ... t a substitute. That is what I am going to show.This project is giving a solution to the problem of energy sources. I am going to look at the electrical source (the most important). The electricity st ...

(2 pages) 52 0 3.8 Mar/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology > Human Biology

Alternative Fuels: Why are they Likely to Fail?

A Fuel is a source of energy that can be use to run or power things. Fuels are used in our homes as a source of heating an ... f this on the earth and the atmosphere. As a result people have been striving to find a replacement energy source that will serve the same function, but will not cause the same degree of damage to the ... ion, but will not cause the same degree of damage to the planet. Through this need for an alternate energy source to fossil fuels and coal, many alternate fuels have been created including biodiesel, ...

(3 pages) 122 0 0.0 May/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Aerobic Respiration

in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells. Respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis, which uses energy from light to create glucose molecules. Respiration catabolizes glucose to produce ATP, the e ... most cellular functions. The general equation for respiration is C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy. If respiration occurs in the presence of oxygen it is aerobic respiration. Aerobic respirati ...

(1 pages) 134 4 3.4 Jun/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

Analysis of a Food journal

1 - 8457.5kjDay 2 - 6722.5kjDay 3 - 5330kjDay 4 - 6642.5kjDay 5 - 7407.5kjIn establishing my total energy needs I had to consider my involuntary energy demands such as age, body weight, gender, and m ... emands such as age, body weight, gender, and my metabolic rate and I had to determine the amount of energy I required to undertake voluntary physical activities throughout the day. The amount of energ ...

(3 pages) 378 0 2.0 Oct/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays

Alternative Energy

The United States depends on fossil fuels, like oil and coal, for energy. According to experts these sources will exhaust by the year 2050. Fossil fuels also pollute ... t by the year 2050. Fossil fuels also pollute the environment. So we need to search for alternative energy sources which are reliable and renewable.Wind power is the force of the wind harnessed by win ... and wind turbines that convert it into electricity. Because wind is a clean and renewable source of energy, modern wind turbines are being installed in many countries to supplement more traditional so ...

(2 pages) 87 0 3.7 Oct/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Technology

All Together Now- ways to reduce greenhouse gases

broadens into the communities, and expands from their on into economic and world efforts. Renewable energy is a quickly expanding idea for energy sources. These alternative sources could make the diff ... in more practical sized houses. This whole idea being discussed is the fact that people need energy and electricity to survive in our advanced world. How we get this power is up to us, and ther ...

(4 pages) 70 0 3.0 Feb/2005

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science


(1 pages) 1878 0 3.0 Aug/2005

Subjects: Science Essays > Engineering > Chemical Engineering

Alternative Energy

ient lives. With our parasitic role upon nature, we ensure our own doom. By using safer and cleaner energy sources, we not only protect our environment, but give it time to regenerate. Our most effici ... we not only protect our environment, but give it time to regenerate. Our most efficient alternative energy source to help this come true is hydrogen itself. With benefits such as low-cost production, ...

(1 pages) 62 0 4.0 Aug/2005

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

Alternative Energy Sources - Scientific/Environmental Essay

othermal and tidal- using nuclear power fission fusion and hydrogen- the exTopic 3 - how to use our energy wisely- tips for how to cut down on the toxic gases- making sure that companies use the right ... wn on the toxic gases- making sure that companies use the right precautions- make sure not to waste energy. We create the demand. Reduce the demand, reduce the harmful effects.Alternate energy sources ...

(9 pages) 153 0 3.9 May/2006

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

Active and Passive Transport

. They include many different ways to transportthings. Passive transport requires no expenditure of energy by the cell. However, Activetransport requires ATPs which have energy in order for it to move ... of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of lowconcentration that doesn't require energy. It moves molecules such as oxygen into the cellsand carbon dioxide out of the cell. Osmosis ...

(2 pages) 35 0 3.7 Sep/2006

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology > Plant Biology

The Art Of Theater

Neither a book nor a work, but an energyTheater is the most remarkable art of life. It is a collaborate art combining different people ... e reason why theater the most noteworthy art of life.Theater " is neither a book nor a work, but an energy ". Theater is considered to be an energy because it is a calculated act from beginning to end ... .In my opinion, the art of theater is one of the most empowering factors in ones life. For it is an energy which releases ones inner most desires, feelings, and emotions. An energy that takes us on a ...

(2 pages) 1159 0 3.0 Feb/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Alternatives To Oil Drilling

Although oil is a major energy source here in the United States there are other alternative power sources.One common alterna ... set up and running. Also, it is a very cost effective power source. According to the American Wind Energy Association it can cost 5 cents to the Kilowatt hour. A bad thing about using wind turbines a ... e. But, on the other it is very expensive as well.Finally, according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy if car companies could increase the fuel efficiency of cars, SUV's and mini ...

(1 pages) 13 0 0.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

Architecture in 1975 focused mainly on environmen

showed up. More specifically, two particular themes were evident, recycling and the use of natural energy.Some may ask why the sudden interest in the environment? The answer is simple; looking back a ... why the sudden interest in the environment? The answer is simple; looking back a couple of years an energy crisis crippled the nation in October of 1973. People not only did this to aid nature, moreov ...

(5 pages) 18 0 3.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

Article Response: "Can we set fire to water?"

eechless because I never thought that there was ever a way to use sea water as a source of fuel and energy. The article explains how energy from the radio waves is capable of breaking the bonds betwee ... he article for further findings, I found out that John Kanzius was not looking for an answer to the energy crisis, he was looking for the cure for cancer after he was diagnosed with it. His main focus ...

(2 pages) 12 0 0.0 Sep/2008

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

General Chemistry

(1 pages) 0 0 0.0 Oct/2013

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry