Essays Tagged: "first thought"

Still life analasys of Van Beyeren, Gorky, and Wesslemann

ith a glass of what I see aswine, and off to the side there is a roll with some sort of topping. My firstthought was that this was a snack/meal for someone of the upper or upper-middle class. The capt ... e isshowing that she, and/or the recievers, are able to afford the good-life. I feel itcould be the first since the inpending Great Depression was about to start in ayear. In that case the picture cou ...

(6 pages) 93 1 3.8 Nov/1996

Subjects: Art Essays > Works of Art

Hotspur and Harry

as the play progresses we find that the main contest is between Hotspur and Hal, the King's son. At first thought, Hotspur seems to be the easy winner, for all Hal does is spend his time with his frie ... 's triumph because we know Hal better than Hotspur does, and we know what is going to happen.In the first few scenes of the play we feel that Hal is exactly as Hotspur describes him, a madcap Prince, ...

(4 pages) 42 0 4.6 Sep/1995

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare


fected by such an alarming rate.A number of thoughts crossed my mind when I read this statistic. My first thought was to question where the Washington Post had surveyed. As a resident of the metropoli ... tiple times'.Knowing the geographic location of those surveyed would be useful in a number of ways. First, it would ease the fears of parents not living in the troubled areas. More importantly, it wou ...

(3 pages) 32 0 4.2 Nov/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol

"Roseanne and The Kiss"

gay symbols of the upside down pink triangle, and the symbols of two men and two women together. My first thought was "why is this necessary" then I mentioned that to my friend. He didn't notice, but ...

(5 pages) 82 1 3.4 Jan/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Homosexuality

Forms of Imprisonment. This deals with the mind of criminals and how they phsyically are in a prison but also how normal indivduals with mental disorder are in a state of imprisonment.

Forms of ImprisonmentWhen we speak of a prison and incarceration, the first thought that comes to mind is inmates held in a prison system with the effort to protect socie ... look at the denotation of the third definition, we notice that it alters slightly from those of the first two denoted. Instead of the word "place," we see that the third denotation refers to a "state. ...

(3 pages) 188 5 4.7 Apr/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

Jack London's "To Build a Fire"

man spit on the ground to test how cold it was. His test taught him that it was colder than he had first thought, but he never thought of that as a danger only as a reality. 'That there should be any ...

(2 pages) 96 1 2.7 Apr/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Suicide In Vegas

Hell is expensive. This is my first thought as my plane lands in Las Vegas. The Luxor hotel's glass pyramid seemsdangerously close ... ight it looks like it has died, rotted, and come back as a poisonous flower.I have been forewarned. First, I am told flying in at noon is 'not the way to enter Vegas.' Correct entry is at night. This ... tro Police. 'They'regenerally tourists. Some jump off an overpass, even Hoover Dam, but casinos are first choice. Balconies. The hotels wised up.Roofs stay locked.'Las Vegas has other names for its fa ...

(16 pages) 110 0 3.4 Jan/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

Who is the hero in Julius Caesar by Shakespeare?

o was the hero in the real-life history of Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire?Several characters at first vie for the title of hero, including the namesake of the play, Caesar, himself. But could the ... elf. But could the hero be loyal best friend Marc Antony, the crafty Cassius, or virtuous Brutus.My first thought is that Brutus is the hero in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. He is in a powerful positio ...

(1 pages) 40 1 3.0 May/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare


w the Neandertals lived. However, recent studies have shown thatNeandertals are smarter than we first thought.        The geography of the Neandertals domain was quite odd. 230,0 ...

(4 pages) 29 0 3.7 Feb/1996

Subjects: Science Essays > Earth Sciences

D. H. Lawrence "The Horse-Dealer's Daughter" an analysis

. A young doctor, Joe Ferguson, saves her. She then believes that he loves her. This idea was not a first thought to Joe, but he begins to find that he does loves her. However, Mabel thinks she is "to ... e convince himself that he loves Mabel? Perhaps he has never felt love before. He didn't want to at first. He was a doctor, and she, his patient, so it was unprofessional. He probably always studied a ...

(2 pages) 22221 0 4.0 Nov/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors

It is a Rogerian Aurgument on Genetic Engineering

Genetic EngineeringThe history of man is a long path to immortality. From the first thought of hygiene to the modern thought of genetic engineering, people have made it a life's ...

(5 pages) 114 0 4.7 Feb/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Genetics & Genome Projects

Brief essay about the planet Mars. 596 words. Detailed about the surface of the planet, surroundings, and atmosphere.

ing to experts, Mars' roller coaster-like weather is more chaotic and unpredictable than scientists first thought. At times, the sky can appear pink and cloudless, filled with windblown dust raised fr ...

(2 pages) 69 0 3.2 Feb/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Space

Short story

-Story-'What's happening to me?' was her first thought. She looked around and wondered what was happening to the lights. The laser lights in ...

(4 pages) 72 1 3.7 May/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Poems & Short Stories

Is it Right to Spank Your Child?

their lungs because they want something and the parent has said they couldn't have it? What is your first thought when that happens? Mine goes something like this, "Man, that parent should pick that k ...

(2 pages) 126 0 4.0 Jun/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community > Children and Youngsters > Child Abuse

Machiavellian Monkeys, James Shreeve, Discover, June 1991.

Discover, June 1991.Fraud. Deception. Infidelity. Theft. When these words are spoken, or read, the first thought is of human traits. Not once would someone think of animals as being capable of such a ... social primates exhibit this intelligence and those that live in small groups or in solitude do not.First, let's examine the term Machiavellian. The dictionary definition is: characterized by subtle o ...

(3 pages) 34 0 2.0 Jun/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Anthropology

Theodore Roethke's "My Papa's Waltz" : Abuse or Play?

I first thought of "My Papa's Waltz" by Theodore Roethke as a disturbing portrayal of a father beating ... f the poem's content. On a second look however, simply reading the poem, trying not to stick to the first impression of the abusive father, a playful image of a hardworking man dancing awkwardly, but ... s for multiple interpretations. By citing ambivalent expressions and lines I am going to support my first as well as my second impression of the poem.Roethke's use of very strong and powerful language ...

(3 pages) 138 1 5.0 Jun/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

"Helen" by Hilda Doolittle, expressing her growing hatred of Helen.

The first thought I come up with when reading Doolittle's Helen is the extreme difference between her po ... dark and descriptive words as "hate" and "revile." I find it interesting that Doolittle starts the first two stanzas with "all Greece" and the third words describing an extreme dislike, and still beg ... The entire poem remains with the same theme, and continues being both vivid and descriptive.In the first stanza Helen is described with words like olive and white which are both associated with beaut ...

(1 pages) 28 0 4.0 Oct/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

Should students go to school all year round?

what they think, what would their answer be? Parents will give all different kinds of answers. The first one I can think of would be, we go on vacation at a certain time of the year and I don't want ... school all year round. Why? To stay out of trouble and no extra time to run the streets would be my first thought. I would also have to say to the parents that have children under 13, daycare. If they ...

(1 pages) 66 2 1.0 Oct/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

A comparative Essay beetween the book Interview with the vampire and its restpective movie

gout so many details. It got facts wrong and it, in my opinion it did not live up to it'sreputation.First, in the beginning they left out everything about Louis brother and how Louisthought that he wa ... visions andto this day Louis still didn't know if he really did or if he was just crazy like he had firstthought. How he had fallen down the front steps after he and Louis had just finished anargument ...

(2 pages) 47 2 3.0 Jan/2004

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies > Film Review and Analysis

Should Campaign Spending Be Limited?

handout on the exploratory essay I happened to walk by a poster telling people to boycott Coke. At first, I thought it was just some naturalist upset that people would spend millions of dollars on dr ... because Coke was a major sponsor of Bush's 2000 campaign, therefore supporting the war in Iraq. My first thought was how stupid it was to try to boycott Coke. I mean come on, Coke is the number one s ...

(10 pages) 63 0 0.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Law & Government Essays