Essays Tagged: "first voyage"

Moon Exploration, The Apollo program

lls why the United States went to themoon. 'The Apollo Spacecraft' tells ho we got to themoon. 'The First Lunar Landing' tells about the firstvoyage to the moon. This paper will discus the lunarlandin ... entry the CSM wouldsplit. The Command Module had heat sheilding so itwould not burn-up. When the CM first came intoreentry it was stabilized by its own engines. Thesecond part was done by three parach ...

(2 pages) 94 2 5.0 Jun/1995

Subjects: Science Essays > Space

why do we remember James Cook?

28 in Marton, England. At the age of 18James Cook became an apprentice with a shipping company. His first voyages heworked on ships that carried coal to English ports. In 1755, during the French - Ind ... re of the French cityof Quebec later in that year.James Cook made three voyages to the Pacific. His first voyage, in 1768, thenavy appointed Cook to lead an expedition to Tahiti. On the Endeavour they ...

(3 pages) 50 0 3.0 May/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Biographies

Corn, colombus, and slavery. Speaks of 'Origin of Indian Corn', the diary of Colombus first voyage, and "

erent topics and will discuss the passages about the origin of indian corn, the diary from colomb's first voyage, and a letter from a servant in virginia.First, I chose the Ojibwa Legend about the 'Or ... was ready to change from boyhood to manhood.Next, I selected the passage from the diary of Colomb's first voyage. I especially enjoyed this reading because it taught me about a subject I previously kn ...

(2 pages) 41 0 3.5 Apr/1997

Subjects: History Term Papers

The Satire of Johnathan Swift Revealed. Refers to "Gulliver's travels

n illusion, a facade behind which English society of his time attempted to hide from reality.On his first voyage, Swift places Gulliver in a land of miniature people where his giant size is meant as a ...

(3 pages) 116 0 4.5 Mar/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Christopher Columbus' voyage to America.

the Catholic monarchs, Isabel and Fernando,for his voyage. After that, the huge preparation for the first voyage began.First of all, we needed more people; therefore, the Spanish Sovereigns offeredamn ... topher Columbus in head, sailed from Palos de laFrontera on August 3, 1492, to find a new world.The first two weeks of our trip passed perfectly. The weather was fine andeveryone was filled with a str ...

(3 pages) 116 0 4.0 Nov/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

Biography on Samuel Champlain.

muel Champlain(1567? -1635)Called the "Father of New France"Samuel du Champlain founded Quebec, the first permanent French settlement in North America. He also kept the struggling community alive duri ... as a sea captain, and young Samuel was trained in seamanship, navigation, and mapmaking.Champlain's first voyage was to Spain with his uncle. This voyage led him to be on a charted French vessel that ...

(4 pages) 54 1 2.8 Nov/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History

Autobiography of Christopher Columbus (8th Grade) Uploaded doc (download for graphics) thx

ed how Columbus looks like. There are some traces of his life though. Like a ship's log kept on the first voyage, and a biography by his son that are full of exaggerations. Historians are trying to wr ... to find Asia and it's neighboring countries.Some people think that Columbus was not a hero like the first second paragraph says, but a lucky adventurer. Columbus could have been at the right place at ...

(4 pages) 73 1 4.2 Dec/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

The Building of the Titanic

The Building of the TitanicThe Titanic was a passenger ship that made its first voyage in 1912. This would also be its last voyage. It was designed to be one of the biggest a ... to the parlor where they came up with plans to build three huge and elaborate passenger ships. The first would be the Olympic, second the Titanic, and third the Gigantic (Brewster).The plan for the T ... s designed to allow the ship to stay afloat with any two of the middle compartments, or four of the first compartments, flooded. It was thought that even the worst collision would damage no more than ...

(6 pages) 59 1 4.4 Apr/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers

The Ideology of Columbus in America

Christopher Columbus first discovered the Americas while trying to prove his theory that Europeans could reach China by s ... lumbus set sail from the Spanish port of Palos with three ships and 88 men. Columbus described this first voyage to the Americas in his ship's log, which proves evidence of the clashing of ideology of ... in order even to assure the continuity of its mode of producing material wealth, every society must first assure the reproduction of these class relations themselves." There were four such important i ...

(9 pages) 96 0 5.0 May/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History

Carnival Cruises

med the Marti Gras and the Carnivale. Things did not begin well for this group of investors. On its first voyage, the Marti Gras ran aground in Miami Harbor. The ship was also slow and used up very ex ... ckinson, began to change the Carnival marketing strategy. They devised a scheme that went after the first time and young cruisers with "a moderately priced vacation package." This vacation included th ...

(21 pages) 321 1 4.4 Oct/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Johnathan Swift Satire

n illusion, a facade behind which English society of his time attempted to hide from reality.On his first voyage, Swift places Gulliver in a land of miniature people where his giant size is meant as a ...

(3 pages) 38 0 0.0 Feb/2005

Subjects: Art Essays


egun before European exploration of the region. Blacks sailed with Christopher Columbus even on his first voyage in 1492, and the earliest Spanish and Portuguese explorers were likewise accompanied by ... n or Afro-Jamaican.LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEANThe Latin American and Caribbean regions were the first areas of the Americas to be populated by African immigrants, and the majority of their descend ...

(55 pages) 973 1 2.4 Feb/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > African Studies - History

The 'Unsinkable' Disappears Beneath Ocean Floor (Newspaper artical on the sinking on the Titanic)

On April 10th 1912, the British liner, Titanic, glided out of Southampton harbor on her first voyage ever for New York with over 2,200 passengers on her deck waving farewell to their loved ... of the length of ship. Almost immediately water began to allow itself in the great ocean liner."The first I knew of the disaster was when I felt a peculiar shiver through the vessel. It became cold an ... above the bridge," another victim said later.The water had risen 14 feet above the keel within the first ten minutes. The 'unsinkable' ship was rapidly flooding with water in an unstoppable surge.At ...

(4 pages) 14 0 3.0 Nov/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

This essay explores how different people cope with the world they live in.

n way of coping with or explaining the world they live in. The Navajo Origin Legend, Journal of the First Voyage to America, and To My Dear and Loving Husband are all examples of how different people ... eases to blow we die.(pg.23)" The Navajo Origin Legend was a myth which attempted to convey how the first man and woman were created from two ears of corn and the great breeze of the wind. "In the ski ...

(2 pages) 20 0 5.0 Dec/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Christopher Columbus's First Voyage To America

Christopher Columbus's First Voyage to America Christopher Columbus commanded, in 1492, the first recorded European expedit ... uropean expedition to cross the Atlantic Ocean and reach the Americas. Nevertheless, he was not the first European to land in that part of the world. Adventurers from Norway, Iceland, and Greenland ha ... ad, and permanent settlement. No voyage before or since has changed the world as much as Columbus's first voyage to America.In Europe of the 1400's, there was a large and growing sea trade with the "I ...

(2 pages) 31 0 0.0 Apr/2001

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History


ation in Europe at the end of 15th century 3) - planning the voyage - the search for Backers 4) The first voyage 5) Colonisation 6) Consequences 1) Columbus was probably born in Genoa in 1451. Genoa w ... he Mediterranean region. Columbus joined him on his business trips. In 1476 Columbus sailed for the first time out into the Atlantic. But the convoy was attacked by pirates, and his ship was sunk. He ...

(4 pages) 14 0 0.0 May/2001

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History

Christopher Columbus

er Columbus Columbus was an Italian Mariner and navigator. He was widely believed to be the first European to sail across the Atlantic Ocean and successfully land on the continent of America. ... rned to read Latin and write Castillian. Columbus began working at sea early on and made his first voyage to the Aegean Island in 1475. In 1476, he survived a shipwreck off the cape of St. Vinc ...

(1 pages) 26 0 0.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: History Term Papers

Robinson crusoe

ng will power. He loved the sea, and that is why he started to go on a journey out in the ocean. At first, his parents did not wanted to him to go on a journey, especially out to sea, as his eldest br ... his father's lecture, nor his mother's concern did take his passion away; he went on a voyage. This first voyage was not very successful one, as the ship and her crew were encountered with a violent s ...

(2 pages) 1479 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy

American Colonies: In-Depth Discussion Of Differen

You are the inventor of the very first time machine. So, being the avid historian as well as scientist that you are (you must be a re ... tist that you are (you must be a real hit with the opposite sex), you decide to set course for your first voyage to, without a doubt, one of the most interesting periods of history ? the settlement of ... re a historian and you need to look back in books?), and find out that the difference you could see first-hand was only the beginning ? these two societies would go on to become very different from ea ...

(7 pages) 19 0 3.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History

Christopher Columbus

lore new products for trade and use. It also made more room for countries to colonize.On Columbus's first voyage he sailed from Palos de la Frontera onAugust 3, 1492. He had three ships, the Santa Mar ... 0, 1498 to October 1500, Columbus sailed farther south, to Trinidad and Venezuela. Columbus was the first European since Leif Ericsson, who was a Viking, to set foot on the mainland of America. Althou ...

(2 pages) 35 0 3.0 Nov/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers