Essays Tagged: "government agencies"

Questions of Ethics in Computer Systems and their Future

bridge, Mass.If one is to believe the quote above it sounds very ominous for the regulators and the governmentto attempt to even bring this media under any kind of regulation. But, what is it that the ... censor yourwritten word. The danger in this is what you write as an opinion may be construed by thatgovernment regulator as a violation of some regulatory act. The flip side to this is if you did this ...

(19 pages) 473 0 3.4 Dec/1996

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science > Computer Ethics

Physical Child Abuse

an history. But for people to think about child abuse as we do now, to create legal definitions and government agencies that can remove children from their homes and to conduct thousands of research s ...

(4 pages) 337 3 3.8 Mar/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues

Earth First!An organization with a social movement. What issues concern them? What are their goals/objectives? What means to achieve their goals?

er in the biosphere."Dave Foreman, a radical American environmentalist, developed the idea that the government agencies, as well moderate private organizations, could not and would not stand up to the ...

(2 pages) 158 1 4.6 Mar/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

It's an essay about steroiods and it's effects.

s pretty obvious which ones are which. The people who get to decide which ones are legal or not are government agencies such as Food Drug Administration. There are many other government run agencies b ...

(3 pages) 80 0 4.3 Jul/2002

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

Effect of road salt on the environment

alt pollution has been on the increase since the evolution of the automobile. With more pressure on government agencies to keep the highway clear and safe, an increase in the use of salt has developed ...

(6 pages) 89 1 3.3 Nov/1996

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

Effects on American society and economy due to the mobilization of America for participation in World War II

out of their homes and jobs, equaling little money to support their families. Despite the numerous government agencies created by President Roosevelt, which produced thousands of jobs, many Americans ... of war] or business won't work." Roosevelt also believed in the close collaboration of business and government.The partnership of big science, government and big business established in the1940's crea ...

(3 pages) 136 0 4.3 Nov/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Physician assisted suicide: Whose Choice Is It?

le pain who has the desire toend their life should be able to do so. Unfortunately, many groups and governmentagencies have taken it upon themselves to block a patient's access to an early death via a ... erminally ill individuals. Twenty-one of the recipients used them to commitsuicide. (Activity 7)The government's argument against physician assisted suicide began in 1997 with theSupreme Court decisio ...

(5 pages) 366 0 4.3 Dec/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Euthenasia

Western Movement and Railroads. This essay is about western settlement and how the railroads turned out to be better agents of migration than many government homesteading organizations.

to the railroads, which proved to be far better homesteading agents than those established by many government agencies.The original intent of the Homestead Act was to defeat land monopoly. Many farme ...

(2 pages) 70 0 4.5 Mar/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

The U.S. Army Contracting Policy.

The U.S. Army Contracting PolicyThe United States Government uses contractors to take care of most of its high dollar requirements and purchases. The ... mes the process of finding and investigating contractors turns out to be more expensive than if the government still had their own employees doing this work.One of the requirements when choosing contr ... ts stating the actual cost at which the project can be accomplished. Before this happens though the government has to notify contractors that the need for a contract is there. The Department of Defens ...

(6 pages) 99 0 0.0 Aug/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays

Why do some scholars say there is a conflict between judicial review and representative democracy?

Representative democracy is defined as a government in which officials are elected by the people. These officials are expected to govern as t ... ine the constitutionality of laws and actions passed by any individual on the country, specifically government agencies.The idea of an appointed individual serving a lifelong term defies the principle ...

(1 pages) 78 4 4.7 Sep/2003

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Government

A rant about electronic privacy issues.

ng on the rights of everyone on the planet. The thought of privacy is a vanishing notion. There are government agencies and private individuals that have the technology to decipher what is being typed ... that addresses the issue of vanishing privacy. Some of the areas of concern are the way the worlds governments and individuals have been spying on the worlds population, the need for some kind of reg ...

(8 pages) 94 0 2.2 Sep/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues

Financial vs. Managerial Accounting, 693 words, short paper about financial and managerial accounting also includes rules/regulations, CPA and CMA

used by owners, potential owners of a business, and by people who have loaned a company money. Some government agencies that regulate business and the stock market require companies to submit financia ...

(3 pages) 669 1 4.0 Dec/2003

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Accounting

A contract is an agreement between two or more persons.

A contract is an agreement between two or more persons (individuals, businesses, organizations or government agencies) to do, or to refrain from doing, a particular thing in exchange for something i ...

(13 pages) 456 0 4.0 Jan/2004

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law

Successful global strategy in a service industry.

e service provider opportunities exist in various types of organizations and business sectors, even government agencies. It is important to note that globalization adds some complexities that may not ... ors, or global levers, can be either positive or negative and should be used as guiding principles. Governments might prohibit firms from doing business in their country because of government regulati ...

(3 pages) 244 0 4.0 Jan/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management

Critical Thinking Case Study - CSS 330 Let It Pour: My First Assignment as Executive Assistant - 681 words

s and handling treatment for patients inconsistently; on a pro-bono or must pay basis. In addition, government agencies are considering the filing of charges against the hospital with regards to the c ...

(3 pages) 932 0 3.3 Jan/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Crime Statistics: In this essay I will be exploring the accuracy of statistics used to measure crime and discussing why these statistics maybe an inadequate indicator of criminal activities

rimes being committed, or in fact reported.Crime statistics are provided by the police, the courts, government agencies that are involved in law enforcement and the British Crime Surveys. The figures ... ises query into how the crime statistics are collected, presented and subsequently forwarded to the government agencies for evaluation. Since the recording and publishing of crime statistics has start ...

(8 pages) 356 0 2.6 Jan/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

West Nile Virus: What is it and how did it get here?

The comparison will primarily be based on articles found on the Internet, some from scientists and government agencies, and some from lay persons trying to make a difference. The information in this ... ught that some of the things I was reading were absurd and that by no means would the United States government test bio-weapons on our own population but in retrospect I will show that there is eviden ...

(9 pages) 116 1 4.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

Effects of World War II on American Society by: Tan Ly

out of their homes and jobs, equaling little money to support their families. Despite the numerous government agencies created by President Roosevelt, which produced thousands of jobs, many Americans ... of war] or business won't work." Roosevelt also believed in the close collaboration of business and government.The partnership of big science, government, and big business established in the1940 has c ...

(3 pages) 19967 0 5.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers

A case study about Microsoft

ning culture.Learning organizations can include corporations, small businesses, schools, hospitals, government agencies, non-profits or others. Microsoft is a typical in among. Microsoft founded in 19 ...

(13 pages) 730 2 3.5 May/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Databases in my Wallet

If you open your wallet, almost everything you see is a source of information for companies or government agencies. This information is stored in databases. Databases are software tools t ...

(2 pages) 100 0 3.0 May/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science