Essays Tagged: "Images"

Jackson Pollock - Did he put more into his paintings than most artists?

eeth, mouths and eyes became expressive rhythmic patterns.At this time Jackson Pollock used certain images to express his feelings and this wasn't what he wanted. He no longer wanted to express feelin ... e painting at once, and best of all draw unbroken lines of paint that never had to end. Unconscious images could emerge in Pollock's work while the painting was being created.Blue Poles is one of Jack ...

(3 pages) 240 1 4.2 Jan/1997

Subjects: Art Essays > Artists

Bartleby The Scrivener and Herman Melville's life Good

'Bartleby, the Scrivener' is often considered such a story. Many of the characters in the story and images created allude to Melville's writing career, which was generally deemed a failure. The main c ...

(2 pages) 166 2 3.4 Oct/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

A Critical Analysis of "Revelation" by Flannery O'Connor

ed as differentthings and placed into different social classes. The South provided O'Connorwith the images she needed for her characters. Similarly, this can easily beidentified in her short story "Re ... n does not change;therefore, she is a static character. O'Connor's characters are victimized andare images of lower intelligence. Mrs. Turpin, however, does appear to be ofaverage intelligence. Her be ...

(6 pages) 16570 0 4.5 May/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

The Lightning - a review from T.S. Eliot's book

In T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land you perceive many images from thewriting style he uses. In lines 386 - 399 he writes:In this decayed hole among the mo ... silence.In these lines he seems to tell of a graveyard near a chapel in an upcomingstorm. Different images can be seen from the decayed hole in themoonlight, the empty chapel without windows, and the ... line 386, "In this decayed hole among the mountains," probablyrefers to an empty grave that brings images of death and the end of life, orpossibly the beginning of a new life to mind. The grave is li ...

(2 pages) 44 0 3.3 Nov/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Authors

The Meadow

meadow. The memories of my last visit are vivid with relaxed and peaceful thoughts motivated by the images, scents, and sounds of the meadow. The beauty of the meadow in the summer is unequaled ... the meadow. The beauty of the meadow in the summer is unequaled. My memories contained many images of this special place. Snow covered mountains extend high above the heavens; thus, setting th ...

(2 pages) 49 0 4.0 Oct/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

Reviving Olphelia by Mary Pipher

gument centers around what happens to these girls if they are not successful at making sense of the images and values that are constantly being presented to them at school, home, and in the media. She ...

(2 pages) 58 0 4.2 Mar/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Television and Commercialism

Excellent essay on commercialism in our society -Television is populated with images which are superficial and lack depth. Programs look more like ads and ads look more like prog ... ying ideas thus the validity of their argument.'Surface is all; what you see is what you get. These images are proud of their standing as images. They suggest that the highest destiny of our time is t ... me is to become cleansed of depth and specificity altogether.' (1). We live in a world populated by images. Children's television has concocted small, preset groups of images such as rainbows for happ ...

(6 pages) 195 0 4.1 Jan/1997

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Communication Studies > The Media

The Cultural Construction of Gender and Representation of Identity in Soaps and Music Videos

te the cultural construction of gender and representations of identity. The video suggests a set of images to the viewer and usually these are a blurring of gender and identity. Music videos predicate ... appeal due to her play with gender and identity. No other single artist has produced as many mixed images as she has.Television soaps tend not to interrogate the construction of gender and the repres ...

(8 pages) 285 1 3.8 May/1995

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies > Genre Study

Thesis: With the variety of family situations arising in todays society, the typical well-rounded nuclear family should no longer be considered the ideal family concept.

l family concept. Families may now consist of only one parent or two mothers and two fathers. These images, in and of themselves, no longer make up the conservative views of the nuclear family, and th ...

(5 pages) 500 1 2.9 Apr/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

Critical analysis of "Leningrad Cemetery" written by Sharon Olds. Essay uses college-level literary terms.

r the "dead," the casualties of the "siege," and the reckless loss of human life. Olds delivers her images with words deftly chosen, striking at the reader's mind, causing it to wonder at the necessit ... figurative language used in the poem is very dramatic but the last few lines of the poem bestow the images with emotions. The "hand" reaches for life, wanting vitality and life so desperately, that it ...

(3 pages) 107 0 3.2 Apr/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

Different image of the wife between sixteenth centuries and today

at different image of the wife between sixteenth centuries and today? We can divide three different images to explain in the Shakespeare's play ' The Taming of the shrew' and two articles for ' Japane ... own careers, then they will not stay at home with their husband.By comparison among three different images, we can know that many wives will not care their husband on today, they only care how much mo ...

(2 pages) 77 0 3.3 Nov/1996

Subjects: History Term Papers

Lord of the Flies

e active role of fear in Lord of the Flies, was intentionally used by Golding, because he knew what images it would create. Fear is the only thing that stopped the boys from going into the darkness. L ...

(3 pages) 72 0 2.3 Oct/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > "Lord of the Flies" by Sir William Gerald Golding

ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Imagine living in a world where sights, sounds, images and thoughts are constantlychanging and shifting. Unable to focus on whatever task is at hand ... ersfrom one activity or thought to the next. Sometimes you become so lost among all thethoughts and images that you don't even notice when someone is speaking to you.This is what it is like for many p ...

(4 pages) 323 2 3.9 Dec/1996

Subjects: Science Essays > Mental Health

Arther Ashe, From His Perspective.

The name Arthur Ashe leaves various images imbedded in one's mind. The images offered are correspondent to the individual person's impre ...

(3 pages) 36 0 3.7 Apr/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

"My papa's waltz" by Theodor Roethke

nce as something bad. He tries to beutify the experience by making it a waltz. He also, by means of images and rythem, shows the conflict between the readers, or the way any other 'normal' man will lo ... h the meter as well, giving the reader more of the feeling of a dance in contrast to the 'secondery images' which are more associated with the rough experiance of a beating. Given such parameters the ...

(4 pages) 189 0 3.0 Jan/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

"The Green Light" a significant symbol in "The Great Gatsby", by F. Scott Fitzgerald

's dream and other aspects beyond Gatsby's longing. Throughout the novel Fitzgerald uses many other images or symbols. At first, it may seem very basic, but when the symbol is closely studied, one may ...

(4 pages) 132 0 3.3 May/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Critisism by four of 'The Sick Rose' by William Blake

on') as 'aiming outwards.' These approaches find the meaning of the text in the relationship of its images to other texts' (40). Riffaterre argues for a more internal reading of the poems. Riffaterre ... en reading Blake's poems, the reader should consider 'minute particulars,' 'perspective, to related images in Blake's other works, and to symbolic conventions in literature' (15-16).John Hollowly also ...

(4 pages) 163 0 2.8 Oct/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

"What is Poverty"? A look at Jo Goodwin Parker's article

rticle is written as an attack on human emotion. Her use of connotative language creates many harsh images of her experiences in a life of poverty. By using these images, Parker is capable of causing ... successful in evoking sympathy from the reader. She uses connotative language to create disturbing images of what poverty is. For example, she calls poverty an 'acid that drips on pride until pride i ...

(4 pages) 22072 0 3.9 Nov/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

Archetypes in "A rose for Emily" by William Faulkner

Archetypes are, by definition, previous images, characters, or patterns that recur throughout literature and though consistently enough to b ...

(2 pages) 99 0 3.0 Apr/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Comparing the sonnet "London, 1802" by William Wordsworth, and "The Lamb" written by William Blake

que atmosphere or tone. This leads one to be able to identify the contrasts between the meaning and images within the poems.The Romantic elements of "London, 1802" are those defined by Wordsworth hims ... 02" are those defined by Wordsworth himself. This poem's origin is spontaneous in nature. The basic images and metaphors of the sonnet make extensive use of nature, realistic setting. The idea for the ...

(4 pages) 179 0 4.1 Apr/1993

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry