Thesis: With the variety of family situations arising in todays society, the typical well-rounded nuclear family should no longer be considered the ideal family concept.

Essay by matiaUniversity, Bachelor'sB+, April 2002

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The Family Image

The family image can be, and is, interpreted differently by a variety of people, including those within the family group itself. One such image is that of the nuclear family. The nuclear family is usually imagined as a two-parent household with two-point one children, a dog, and a white picket fence surrounding the perfect home. However, in recent history, different situations have arisen and the concept of a nuclear family has diminished from the thoughts of modern families as more opportunities have opened up to allow a variety of alternative life-styles. With the variety of family situations arising in today's society, the typical well-rounded nuclear family should no longer be considered the ideal family concept. Families may now consist of only one parent or two mothers and two fathers. These images, in and of themselves, no longer make up the conservative views of the nuclear family, and there are many more family styles arising as our culture and civilization grows and explores new possibilities.

Although the thought of being a nuclear family appeals to some, and thus they strive to achieve the status of a nuclear family, there is never a guarantee that they will ever be the ideal nuclear family. Even if they reach their goal of being a nuclear family, one cannot be assured that it will last. Many marriages dissolve, but the parents will stay together for the sake of the children involved. This is a very unhealthy atmosphere for everyone concerned, and can only lead to unhappiness, wrongful blame, trust issues and resentment between those in the family group. When the family was first started, they probably could have been considered a nuclear family but eventually, due to a variety of reasons, the family group did not last. They may have drifted apart,