Essays Tagged: "long time"

There isn't Much Time

When I ask people why they procrastinate, they often supply reasons like: this task won't take me a long time; the pressure makes me to work more efficiently; there were emergencies; and there were ot ...

(3 pages) 111 0 3.0 Sep/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing


canknow all his inordinate self-love whose actions arediscovered to be-and no doubt have been for a long time-determined mainly by an inordinate desire for some temporalor mutable good.Macbeth is actu ... s because it bringsspectacular fame and new titles and royal favor heaped uponhim in public. Now so long as these mutable goods are at allcommensurate with his inordinate desires - and such is thecase ...

(7 pages) 29 0 3.5 Apr/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare > Macbeth


n know all his inordinate self-love whose actions are discovered to be-and no doubt have been for a long time- determined mainly by an inordinate desire for some temporal or mutable good.Macbeth is ac ... because it brings spectacular fame and new titles and royal favor heaped upon him in public. Now so long as these mutable goods are at all commensurate with his inordinate desires - and such is the ca ...

(7 pages) 30 0 3.5 Jan/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare > Macbeth

Childhood Experience

incidents or experience in a clear and interesting way, since they were past memories that happened long time ago. Moreover, when a person has grown up, they will never have the same feeling which the ... Twain, 13) Afterwards, Aunt Polly tried to punish him for skipping school by ordering him to wash a long, huge fence. However, this did not have any effect on Tom. He continued to do what he thought w ...

(6 pages) 574 4 4.4 May/1996

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

National Geographic film called Mysteries Underground

This video was about extraordinary sites there are to see in underground caves. You traveledalong with cave explorers and got to see all the beautiful untouched natural formations such asgyp ... ers the cave explorers go through. It also talked about how the formationswere made over such a long time.        I learned many interesting things that would never seem possible. ...

(2 pages) 39 0 3.2 Oct/1996

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies


canknow all his inordinate self-love whose actions arediscovered to be-and no doubt have been for a long time-determined mainly by an inordinate desire for some temporalor mutable good.Macbeth is actu ... s because it bringsspectacular fame and new titles and royal favor heaped uponhim in public. Now so long as these mutable goods are at allcommensurate with his inordinate desires - and such is thecase ...

(7 pages) 52 0 5.0 Jan/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare > Macbeth

Bodily Resurrection and 1 Corinthians 15:42-54

eliefs on the nature of bodily resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15: 42-54. As eternity tends to last a long time, believing Christians (even agnostics such as myself) would likely be somewhat eager to ar ... dead to sin, to the Law,' Oecrucified to the world'; Oethe body of sin is destroyed'; Oethey are no longer in the flesh'; or else he says simply that they are Oedead'" Paul, whether because he does no ...

(12 pages) 113 0 4.7 Jan/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Religion & Faith > Christianity

Tv Shows and Real Life

. 'Married...with Children' runs on Fox 29 on Mondays at 8:30 p.m., it has been on air for a long time, and has passed its 200th episode last season. The main characters of the show is women's ...

(6 pages) 188 1 4.5 Nov/1996

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies

Neil Young in Halifax

ome people say that he's just an old man who can't sing, never could sing and should have retired a long time ago. I on the other hand see him differently.        He is man who doesn ... n stage and started playing their set. When the band started to play Push I ran down to the front along with just about everyone else. But we were pushed back by12the security. So we just ...

(5 pages) 30 1 4.4 Mar/1997

Subjects: Art Essays > Music History & Studies > Performers & Composers

Drinking & Driving

Alcohol is a drug, a very popular drug. Alcohol has been around for a long time, and people have always enjoyed it's effects. Many people have passions for alcohol, some ...

(5 pages) 312 0 4.2 Nov/1996

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol

There isn't Much Time

When I ask people why they procrastinate, they often supply reasons like: this task won't take me a long time; the pressure makes me to work more efficiently; there were emergencies; and there were ot ...

(2 pages) 58 0 4.6 Sep/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

This essay is titled "Is Psychology a Science?" and analyses the subject from the root to what it has become today.

1. A BRIEF HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGYPsychology has existed for a long time, yet its history of being a science is relatively short. It originates in the study of phi ... iginates in the study of philosophy, and people have had to deal with psychological questions for a long time. Yet it was only recognised as a science in 1979 when Wilhelm Wundt established the first ... perhaps wiser to give a definition of psychology. It may be defined as the science of behaviour, as long as it is clear that this includes a wide range of activities such as, for example, going to the ...

(8 pages) 568 2 3.1 Apr/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Dialog to the book "No longer at ease"

s on his way to his father when he meets an old school matefrom Umofia.OBI:Oh! Hallo Jacob it was a long time ago we met. How are you?Jacob:Thanks ,I`m fine.It was certanly a long time ago we met.What ... ou work for the CivilService in Lagos,I hope it`s fun.Obi:I`m here to visit my dad and mum.It was a long time ago Ivisited them and I have something Important to discuss with them.Jacob:Oh I see,what ...

(3 pages) 48 0 4.9 Dec/1996

Subjects: Art Essays > Drama

This essay is basically a summarization of many inventions that made and changed the 1970's.

e forgotten, for its medical and technological outbreaks in society. Thirty years seems like a very long time, one might even think that none of the breakthroughs in technology really mattered back th ...

(3 pages) 116 2 2.5 Apr/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Technology

Five Journal Entries written in the voice of former president of South Africa; Nelson Mandela. Each covering a month. Details included and referenced to actual facts and events.

r Journal:My friends and I had joined and have been a member of the African National Congress for a long time. Our non-stop mission is to remove apartheid. Since 1944, when I had just joined the antia ... e. We do not receive healthy food and we have to work in a lime quarry. I can only write letters no longer than 500 words every six months and eventually I was able to talk with Winnie my dearest wife ...

(7 pages) 73 0 4.2 Apr/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > African Studies - History

Five Journal Entries written in the voice of former president of South Africa; Nelson Mandela. Each covering a month. Details included and referenced to actual facts and events.

r Journal:My friends and I had joined and have been a member of the African National Congress for a long time. Our non-stop mission is to remove apartheid. Since 1944, when I had just joined the antia ... e. We do not receive healthy food and we have to work in a lime quarry. I can only write letters no longer than 500 words every six months and eventually I was able to talk with Winnie my dearest wife ...

(7 pages) 74 0 3.9 Apr/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > African Studies - History

This is an example essay of not judging a book by its cover

ry time she saw my sisters, or me her friends would talk about us or make fun of our clothes. For a long time I hated all rich kids. One day, out of nowhere I met a girl named Sam. She stood up for me ... meless person and the rumors or stories that I have heard were all so frightening to me. He laughed long and hard. I sat there in amazement, wondering if was he laughing at me. Before I could walk awa ...

(6 pages) 133 1 4.3 Apr/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays

Same-sex Marriage

Marry me!Gays and lesbians lives have been for a long time a controversial subject; specially when for the last few decades gays and lesbians have co ... ance, black people were not considered as citizens and they were treated brutally. Luckily, after a long time of black people fighting for their rights, most of the people realized that they are black ...

(3 pages) 331 4 4.3 Apr/2002

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Sex & Sexuality

Euthanasia. This essay display the position of the opposition to the legality of euthanasia as well as the position of the supporters

A long time ago, culture was universal and permanent. There was one set of beliefs, ideals, and norms, ... se of sympathetic jury members or judges. For this reason, euthanasia should be legal, for it goes along with current attitudes in the courtroom. Secondly, the constitution states that were are all al ... s principle states that people should be free to live their lives as they themselves think best, as long as they are not doing harm to others [Merkov, 21]. Also, this principle only applies to people ...

(6 pages) 532 2 4.0 Nov/1996

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law > Issues > Death Penalty

Lamarck's Influence on the Development Of Darwins Theory Of Evolution

ow they evolved in the manner that they did. This type of science has been studied for a very, very long time, and one of the most famous minds in the field of evolution was a man named Charles Darwin ... wear, that gradually over many generations, the right eye would adapt so that the left eye would no longer be needed. Lamarck was confident that distant generations would not even have a left eye, and ...

(15 pages) 117 0 3.9 Dec/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Modern Philosophy