Essays Tagged: "Presidency of George W. Bush"

Soldiers in Iraq: Is it necessary to continue sending soldiers to Iraq?

s weapons inspection team. So Bush administration attacked Iraq for providing relief to the victims of the aggression and cruelty of Iraq's president Saddam Hussein. America, supporter of democracy, w ... aq's president Saddam Hussein. America, supporter of democracy, was supported by some other members of so called civilized world. As earlier discussed that the disclosed purpose of the attack on Iraq ...

(2 pages) 85 0 3.0 Jul/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Current Issues

Presidnet Bush's State of the Union summary 2005

r world for our children and grandchildren..." is how George W. Bush starts his speech at the State of the Union. He goes on to say that we must add to our achievements as a nation by making it more f ... lexible, innovative, and competitive. If we do these things America will remain the economic leader of the world. America's prosperity involves limiting the Federal governments spending. Bush adds tha ...

(2 pages) 24 0 3.0 Feb/2005

Subjects: Law & Government Essays

Clarke's veiws

The Washington Times March 26, 2004 "Clarke's contradictions" This article seems to show all of the faults with Mr. Clarke's assertions about the war in Iraq and the presidents priorities when ... the presidents priorities when it comes to the war on terrorism. The article reported that "under softball questioning from a Democratic member of the September 11 panel, former Rep. Tim Roemer, Mr. ...

(1 pages) 967 0 5.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science

Bush Free-Trade Diplomacy Has Corporate America Steaming

Paul Magnusson; Mike McNamee;The Bush Administration has a new weapon in the war against terrorism: offering free-trade deals to allies from Australia and Morocco to the tiny Persian Gulf emirate of B ... , President Bush dispatched U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick to the Middle East to kick off a 10-year drive for a regional free-trade zone, pointedly excluding unfriendly Iran and Syria. T ...

(3 pages) 3 0 0.0 Nov/2014

Subjects: Law & Government Essays