Essays Tagged: "statues"


hey were alive was to please the many gods they worshipped. They built temples for their Gods, made statues to symbolize their Gods, and had a different God to explain things that we now say are an ac ...

(5 pages) 112 0 3.9 Nov/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Greek Language & Literature

Egyptian Gods

of every Egyptian. Their importance wasfelt in every home and their ever presence depicted through statues, wall paintings and personaltalismans on the individual.Their worshipping practices towards ...

(4 pages) 79 0 4.2 Feb/1997

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Religion & Faith

The Field Trip Gone Bad

carry inside. It sounded pretty boring to us. The teacher had so much enthusiasm to see the famous statues and pictures inside such as the previous models of the state house in how it went through so ...

(2 pages) 48 0 3.0 Nov/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

"Ozymandias - Power and Despair" by Percy Bysshe Shelley

as well as many others.Under the immediate assumption that Ozymandias is the sculptor of the barren statues, one must realize that even kings cannot contain their passions and emotions. Ozymandias ere ... ed a statue of his destress where none could see it and without habitation for miles. Leaving these statues behind, the sculptor is given a chance to reveal to others the underlying sadness of his sou ...

(2 pages) 94 0 3.8 Dec/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

All about the art and architecture of the middle ages.

cused around one aspect of life. Whether it was the creation of Romanesque buildings, or the carved statues decorating them there was one simple theme, religion. Two main styles of art and architectur ...

(1 pages) 93 0 3.5 Jan/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

Acid rain and the effect it has on our environment

the United States, Canada, and parts of Europe. It also leads to the deterioration of buildings and statues by reacting with several minerals. Acid rain is formed when oxides of nitrogen and sulfite c ...

(4 pages) 51 0 4.0 Apr/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

Critical Analysis "The School of Athens" High Renaissance: Italian (Florentine) "The School of Athens". 1509-11. Wall fresco. Signature room, The Vatican, Rome: Raphael.

It symbolizes philosophic thinking and the search for truth. On the wall you can see paintings and statues. He has used contour lines with domes and actual line with figures. Personalities are arrang ...

(2 pages) 22151 4 3.8 Apr/2003

Subjects: Art Essays > Works of Art

The Morality of Money.

the feeling perfectly by depicting Enron as a house of prostitution, whose parlor is decorated with statues and pictures of naked and scantily clad women holding bags marked with the dollar sign. The ...

(5 pages) 191 1 3.8 Jun/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues

Julius Caesar Summary.

the blind hero worship of Caesar, the two men remove ceremonial decorations off Caesar's "images" (statues) despite the obvious dangers of doing so...A little later, we see Caesar leading a processio ... erful... We also learn that Marullus and Flavius, the two tribunes pulling decorations off Caesar's statues have been put to silence for "pulling scarfs off Caesar's images [statues]." Brutus is suspi ...

(5 pages) 62 0 4.0 Jul/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare

Comparison of Antigone and Creons leadership.

den burial of her brother, Polyneices. He believed his rules were superior, even to those unwritten statues of the God's which Antigone was committed. In his attempts to justify himself to the other c ... hink that your decrees were of such force, that a mortal could override the unwritten and unfailing statues given us by the Gods" (HHMI, p. 9, 1. 18-21). Antigone understood and accepted the punishmen ...

(5 pages) 140 1 4.3 Jul/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies > Greek Language & Literature

This essay is about my visit to Walters Museum and a description of the pieces Ankhen-sekmet Entertained by a Harpist (Egyptian Civ.) and Relief with Winged Genius (Assyrian Civ.)

crowded with people. After paying the required fees, I headed to the first gallery which had small statues unearthed from ancient Egypt. I really wanted to find similar objects to what we had studied ...

(6 pages) 152 0 4.3 Oct/2003

Subjects: Art Essays > Works of Art

Summary on NY Times Article titled, 'Fearing a Big Flood, Paris Moves Art'.

d the 'largest relocation of artworks in France since World War II.' They are moving about '100,000 statues, paintings, drawings, sculptures, books and other valuable objects from underground storage ...

(3 pages) 48 0 3.0 Oct/2003

Subjects: Art Essays

This is an Essay on triumphal arches, describing the the purpose of them and how this was achieved. Helpful for anyone studying history of Art AS.

rches and how did they fulfil this PurposeAlongside with many other great buildings in Rome such as Statues, aedicular shrines and columns, triumphal arches were there to commemorate victories on the ...

(3 pages) 49 0 4.3 Nov/2003

Subjects: Art Essays > Works of Art

Its an essay about the NANA´s from Artist Niki de St. Phalle, which are placed in Hannover, Germany.

mage with a street-art programm. In 1974 they bought three "Nanas"(huge, colorfull and big breasted statues) from french artist Nicki de St. Phalle and started other projects to polish the city´ ... the first answer the citizens gave to the department, stating their opinion, that these "provoking" statues were feministic and too aggressive. The press and the media also did their part with interve ...

(6 pages) 51 3 3.3 Jan/2004

Subjects: Art Essays > Artists

A Green History of the World - The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilizations by Clive Ponting. A summary of the book and his theory

off at Easter Island where explorers found evidence of an advanced culture demonstrated by the huge statues but the current inhabitants were living in caves and had no idea how the statues got there. ... heory of the book is that the people cut down the trees to form a runner network to move the 20foot statues around. The inhabitants cut down all the trees to move statues leaving nothing for building, ...

(3 pages) 49 0 3.0 Jan/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History


is divided into four categories: portrait sculptures, paintings and mosaics, relief sculptures, and statues. Each of these has its own characteristics. Portrait sculptures, designed by the Romans, sho ... dispersed. Sculptures were one form of art in which the Romans copied the Greeks to a great extent. Statues of Greek gods were taken and copied. Then wings and portrait heads were added along with dra ...

(4 pages) 70 1 4.6 Jan/2004

Subjects: Art Essays

Joan Of Arc Bio

not learn how to read or write. Joan also was a very religious girl going to church and praying to statues. Joan started to hear vocies of St Cathrine,St Michaels,and St Margaret. Joan believed that ...

(1 pages) 25 0 0.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers

Public Art in Greece: To what extent and in what ways does the Parthenon perform the function of a gigantic billboard for the late fifth century Athens? For whom is it intended?

s and violence. It symbolized a civilized world of beauty, stability and harmony. But the Parthenon statues could also stand for political power and imperial ambition. It was built on the site of an e ...

(7 pages) 83 0 3.7 Apr/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Classical Studies

David - Baroque vs Renaissance

When I first began comparing the two different statues of David, Bernini's Baroque "David, and "Michelangelo's Renaissance "David" the first thing ... ady loaded with the deadly missile, and is poised and ready to strike.The body positions of the two statues are also very different. In the Renaissance version, David is standing tall and relaxed as i ... that was happening politically during that time.As you look at the overall construction of the two statues you can also see the differences in the symbolism and the stories they tell. The Renaissance ...

(4 pages) 159 0 5.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: Art Essays > Works of Art

A few latin american artists with background and works of arts

Columbian artist that has done numerous works of art in herlifetime. Her latest series consists of statues that are based on North American cartoonfigures. She has done figures of The Simpson's, Cart ... park, Goofy, andMickey. All of these cartoon figures are immortalized in poses reminiscent of Aztecstatues. The first statue that I saw a statue of Mickey Mouse. This carving was made in1998 a ...

(2 pages) 40 0 3.5 Apr/2004

Subjects: Art Essays > Artists