Essays Tagged: "Sudetenland"

The Sudetenland

ad left inside Czechoslovakia. The main land that Hitler wanted to annex to Germany was that of the Sudetenland, where most of the people living there were of German origin. The land also bordered Ger ... all cost.'And now before us stands the last problem that must be solved and will be solved It (the Sudetenland) is the last territorial claim which I have to make in Europe, but it is the claim from ...

(7 pages) 71 3 4.8 Mar/1996

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

The History of Sudenteland and Hitler.

ad left inside Czechoslovakia. The main land that Hitler wanted to annex to Germany was that of the Sudetenland, where most of the people living there were of German origin. The land also bordered Ger ... rule of foreigners. The Germans mostly lived in the region on the western border with Germany - the Sudetenland.A SPEECH BY ADOLF HITLER"And now before us stands the last problem that must be solved a ...

(6 pages) 31 0 3.0 Aug/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History > German History

Show how by 1938 Hitler had kept his promise to rid Germany of the 'shackles of Versailles.'

to re-unite all Germans lost in border areas. Hitler regarded the Austrians as Germans, claimed the Sudetenland for Germany and demanded a return of the Polish Corridor. Moreover Hitler was determined ...

(3 pages) 40 0 5.0 Aug/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

The Cause of World War II

1938. Hitler invited the Prime Minister of Britain and the Premier of France and demanded that the Sudetenland become part of Germany. Due to France and Britain's fear of another war, Hitler's demand ...

(2 pages) 40 0 3.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Which do you think was the biggest cause of the war- the Munich Agreement (Britain giving Hitler Sudetenland) or Hitler's invasion of Czechoslovakia?

War. The main figure here was Adolf Hitler. He rearmed Germany, remilitarized Rhineland, took over Sudetenland, invaded in Czechoslovakia and finally pushed Germany, Europe and even the whole world i ... shed Germany, Europe and even the whole world into war.Among the several things he did, taking over Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia are two main causes of the war. In March 11, 1938, Hitler invaded Aus ...

(3 pages) 29 1 3.7 May/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Which was the biggest cause of ww2? 1) The Munich Agreement? or 2) Hitler's invasion of Czechoslovakia?

cause it proved that weakness in the face of aggression only brought more aggression; giving Hitler Sudetenland (September 1938) was solid ground and power provided for Nazi Germany; which will eventu ... from the very beginning was that Hitler wanted Europe.Hitler was looking for expansion he demanded Sudetenland.He wanted to incorporate this land into the Third Reich and demanded that Prague turn ov ...

(1 pages) 32 0 0.0 May/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Which was the biggest cause of the war; the Munich Agreement (Britain giving Hitler Sudetenland) or Hitler's invasion of Czechoslovakia?

The Munich Agreement was made signed as Hitler wanted to take Sudetenland in 1938. Hitler encouraged the Sudeten Nazis to unify with Germany, and the Sudeten Nazi ... lie that they were being ill-treated by the Czechoslovakia's government, not only that the Nazis of Sudetenland started riots and force the government to give Germany Sudetenland, so Hitler made and e ... tler that it was confirmed. But Hitler changed his mind already by then, now he wanted the whole of Sudetenland by the first October.So on the 29th of September 1938 one last attempt was made to solve ...

(3 pages) 22 0 5.0 May/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

To what extent you think Appeasement (1938) started ww2:

stria, his homeland into theGerman Reich. London and Paris turned away.Hitler made demands upon the Sudetenland populated mostly by German-speaking people and not To forget; was ally with Prague.Engla ... caring the British Prime Minister,Neville Chamberlain, who would do anything to avoid conflict with Sudetenland to further actions.Therefore, on September 29, 1938, Mussolini, Hitler, British Prime Mi ...

(2 pages) 23 0 0.0 May/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

The Munich agreement and the Czechoslovakian invasion

sion in Czechoslovakia.A few years after marching in Rhineland, Hitler's next target was to get Sudetenland into German territory. Since Sudetenland was in Czechoslovakia, the first thing he did w ... ion in Austria, Hitler manages to get France, UK and Italy to sign an agreement with him giving him Sudetenland. I think this is one of the most important cause for the beginning of the Second World W ...

(2 pages) 35 2 3.4 May/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Which do you think was the biggest cause of the war- the Munich Agreement or Hitler's invasion of Czechoslovakia?

any. It was a conference held between the major powers of Europe to discuss Hitler's demand for the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. Eventually, Chamberlain, Mussolini, Daladier (French Prime Minister) ... all of Hitler's demands. But this time, the only reason the different countries agreed to hand over Sudetenland was if Hitler was to stop demanding land and go no further west.This agreement proved th ...

(1 pages) 16 0 2.3 May/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Which do you think was the biggest cause of the war- the Munich Agreement or Hitler's invasion of Czechoslovakia?

o choose which one is the biggest cause of the war.The Munich agreement which Britain giving Hitler Sudetenland was the important affair which caused of World War II because it made other countries op ... ried to get Nazis in Czechoslovakia and Austria, Czechoslovakia, France and Russia wanted to defend Sudetenland. But Britain (ChamberlinChamberlain.) did nothing even though the anschluss broke the Tr ...

(2 pages) 16 0 1.0 May/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History > German History

To What Extent did Appeasement Cause World War 2?

reparations. In September (1938), Chamberlain met with Hitler in Munich to settle disagreement over Sudetenland. Hitler's demand that Sudetenland be given to Germany was agreed because it was settled ... ht the T of V was unfair to Germany and Hitler was a reasonable man. Britain was also far away from Sudetenland so when Germany invaded they couldn't help. Britain and France hated fascism and Hitler ...

(4 pages) 37 1 3.3 May/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Appeasement in the 30s- How it directly led to the Second World War.

hineland because of the limited number of soldiers marching in. After this, Hitler wanted to invade Sudetenland because he was convinced that it belonged to Germany. So in March 1938 he invades it. Th ... Versailles but France and Britain were still appeasing Hitler by actually agreeing to let him take Sudetenland into German territory. So after Sudetenland Hitler demanded the whole of Czechoslovakia. ...

(6 pages) 36 1 4.2 May/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Appeasement, Schmeasement: Was it really so bad?

Britain and France did nothing. On September29, 1938, Britain and France even agreed to give Hitler Sudetenland under the Munich Agreement. On March15, 1939,Hitler marched into Czech, Britain and Fran ... avy with Britain's permit. This seemed to be the best gifts he got. Then he got Rhineland, Austria, Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia. He not only got these lands, he also got more people, more military ...

(5 pages) 29 0 2.3 May/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Why did Chamberlain's policies for appeasement change from 1938-1939?

Chamberlain, Mussolini, Daladier and Hitler came together to sign the Munich Agreement which handed Sudetenland over into German hands. The Munich Agreement was the turning point for British opinions ... erlain met with Hitler on September of 1938 to sign the Munich Agreement where Hitler promised that Sudetenland was his last demand. The next week, Chamberlain was called back where Hitler told him th ...

(3 pages) 37 0 3.6 May/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Q: Why on earth did Chamberlain's policy change from 1938 to 1939?

on appeasement. In 1938, Hitler got Nazis in Czechoslovakia to force the government to give Germany Sudetenland. Chamberlain soon gave him Sudetenland on Sep 29, 1938 under the Munich Agreement. By th ...

(5 pages) 24 0 2.3 May/2005

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

What is appeasement policy? Give an example to illustrate the appeasement policy between Britain and France.

s was the German occupation of Czechoslovakia. As there were a large population of German living in Sudetenland in the western part of Czechoslovakia, and Sudetenland was a rich industrial area, Adolf ... echoslovakia, and Sudetenland was a rich industrial area, Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany demanded for Sudetenland. After knowing the German's demand for Sudetenland, the British Prime Minister Neville C ...

(2 pages) 13 0 0.0 Jan/2007

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Biography of Adolf Hitler

a dictator. He sent troops into the demilitarized Rhineland. By1938 Hitler occupied Austria and the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.Britain and France feared Germany so they made the Munich Pact so that ...

(1 pages) 15 0 1.0 Jan/2007

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History > German History

What Was The German Foreign Policy From 1933 - 1938

ng their living space. He decided that taking a piece of land surrounding Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland was the best option for this. The Sudetenland was occupied mainly by German speaking peo ... and the Skoda arms factory (The biggest in Europe) also influenced his decision.When he invaded the Sudetenland he was able to increase the size of his army and make more weaponry using the arms facto ...

(4 pages) 1893 0 0.0 Sep/2001

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Hitler, World War II, and the Bomb

rritories without worrying about America's interference. He began by seizing Austria, demanding the Sudetenland, and finally breaking his promises at Munich by taking nearly all of Czechoslovakia. Roo ...

(3 pages) 16 0 3.0 Mar/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II