User Details For: Itsrainingcookies

Essay List
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  • Suggestion

    A good essay, but when you give a fact ie 'his chances were minimised by the presence of Anytus' you might do better by saying why why the presence of Amytus would minimalise his chances who was he?Somtimes you make a statment but do not back it up. Otherwise an exelent essay, 9/10!!!!
    • 02/11/2003
    • 02:49:28
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Suggestion

    you only show the good things about socrates, to do better you must talk about the bad things but say why they wernt so bad. also the spacing format makes it hard to read, but otherwise good content
    • 02/11/2003
    • 02:33:11
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.