User Details For: dallas6283

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  • Street Racing in Our Community

    This is a good essay that needs lots of polish. When you quote someone, you need to give a specific source, not just "from the internet". Too and to are not the same. When giving the name of an actor, try to include the last name.(Vince Diesel) The content was good but if you're going to state something like fact, let the reader know where you got your information. (ie. "This type of behavior happens in every city...")
    • 25/04/2002
    • 17:58:56
    • Score: 5 out of 5 people found this comment useful.
  • Pinellas County Florida

    Decent essay for an 8th grader. Sentences were choppy and a little simple, but over gramatically correct. Needs some adjectives describing the County.(use of Pinellas County was kind of repetetive)
    • 24/04/2002
    • 22:58:13
    • Score: 3 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Descrimination in the USA.

    Good Paper. Needs proof reading. Pay attention to apostrophies. Paper started well, but tended to wander closer to the end.
    • 24/04/2002
    • 22:47:16
    • Score: 4 out of 6 people found this comment useful.
  • Nuclear activities in todays world

    Needs formatting and proof reading. Decent paper. I'd give it a B. It's definately highschool stuff though. It's clear concise and to the point, but I think the paragraph breaks were a little muddled. This paper can be expanded on, or easily used as a source.
    • 24/04/2002
    • 20:42:10
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Aristotles High Minded Personality

    It would be a decent paper if the author had used a thesaurus. High minded was used in almost every sentence which makes the essay repetitious, and hard to read. A little bit of editing and a couple of more sources and it's on it's way to being an A paper.
    • 24/04/2002
    • 20:34:51
    • Score: 4 out of 6 people found this comment useful.
  • Steinway History

    This is a very good essay on the history of the Steinway Piano company. It's written in kind of an outline form but that can easily be changed. My only problem with the essay is that there weren't a lot of sources cited.
    • 24/04/2002
    • 19:44:22
    • Score: 3 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • An Infallable penalty given by fallable people.

    Starts off well but about half way through the essay he loses about half of his audience. This is a persuasive essay for an anti death penalty message, and as such should try to reach as large an audience as possible. Using religion as a cornerstone of your arguement is dangerous unless you're in Seminary.
    • 20/04/2002
    • 03:14:38
    • Score: 5 out of 5 people found this comment useful.
  • The Conflict between a Lawyers own Personal Morality and his Duties to the Client and the Court.

    This is pretty much like reading from a textbook. It's definately a well written essay straight out of lawschool which would definitely explain the grade. It's a good essay. Actually the best so far.
    • 20/04/2002
    • 02:58:12
    • Score: 3 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Life of Alexander the great.

    Very good paper. Works were cited and errors few. Facts were stated well. Can't believe it's actually from a 10th grader.
    • 20/04/2002
    • 02:46:55
    • Score: 11 out of 13 people found this comment useful.
  • What is equality of conditions according to Tocqueville?

    Fairly usless if you're not answering the title on a test. The facts in the essay were stated w/ out a real source. Or maybe there was a source and the writer just doesn't want you to know it. In my opinion this essay is pretty bogus if you're expecting to turn this in for more than bonus points.
    • 20/04/2002
    • 02:35:22
    • Score: 3 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Malicious Judgement Among Us

    There were a few gramatical errors and many of the opinions of the author were presented as fact. There were a few facts given without evidence to back them up. Other than that, the paper was well written and what I would normally expect from a 10th grader. It would do well in a highschool class but not so well in college.
    • 19/04/2002
    • 17:33:22
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Choctaw

    Overall the essay was good. It lacked flair and refinment but was very informative and without any major gramatical errors. I would expect almost any professor to grade it at about a 88-94%
    • 19/04/2002
    • 17:25:14
    • Score: 3 out of 4 people found this comment useful.