User Details For: novelette321

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  • Will sex set us free

    I am not sure how to rate this essay, as I was looking to read something mainly on both of the genders equally and not just women only from something close to patriach times. Will sex set us free does it mean for man or women only?
    • 13/05/2007
    • 20:18:53
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • A career as a marriage

    I find this to be a very unique essay, I never thought that here could be such topic as the Career of a marriage. This is the first I have ever seen on this. I enjoy reading it and I would recommend this essay to young adults, this essay puts the emphasis on what the taking is to even get to the point of what marriage is about and what it takes to get there and be successful with it. This is like old school days. Kudos to the writer. Well done and there is a lot to learn from this small essay.
    • 12/05/2007
    • 10:58:05
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.