1984: Isolation

Essay by IxNxFxExRxNx0High School, 10th gradeA+, April 2004

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Isolation is a massive factor in what makes 1984 such a memorable and frightening novel. Many forms of alienation present themselves in many forms throughout the book, and without them, 1984 would not be as frighteningly realistic. The kind of society and interaction, or lack of interaction between people is a extremely important factor in what makes 1984 such a unique novel. The citizens in 1984 face alienation from more people in their lives then not, including the opposite sex, their kids or parents, the proles, the inner party, and even themselves.

The isolation the citizens of 1984 have from the opposite sex is reinforced in many ways, including anti-sex leagues and the consuming thought that sex is just a duty for the party. Even Winston, who rebelled against the party still carried with him the hate for the opposite sex, seen in the novel when he explains his disgust with most women, and had no desire to have an relations with them.

At one point it was said that he "he disliked nearly all woman". The anti-sex league is just another reinforcement of the party's stand on sex, and how it is just a duty done for the party, nothing more. Throughout the novel, women are seen wearing the sash of the anti-sex league and upholding the ideas of it almost everyday. After Winston meets Julia, he soon realizes that almost everyday she has a commitment to the anti-sex league to further spread the message to the youth of the society and reinforce it in the elders. These values set down by the party are what Julia and Winston rebel against. They often have sex, much against the party's wishes. The party imposes these values, which leads to isolation, because having sex leads to having feelings for another person,