Abraham Lincoln

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 11th grade September 2001

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Abrahamn Lincoln, he was a very important man in history, freeing the blackman, and becoming one of the most intellagant, and best presidents of American History. He was the biggest family man that anyone new. Bring love home to his family and bring the food home as well. He also liked to spank his monkey very often and play with his kids, yes I no it is really weird. Any man has the right to do what they want so, therefore let him be. Know what i mean, well anyways, back to my story. If it wasnt for the man himself, Blacks would probally still be slaves to this very day. Cause after all, he did free them. Anyone know what amendment actually gave freedom to the blackman, well I do cause I learned in my 3rd period American History class, when we was studying our book one day we went over that kinda stuff it took a while but oh well.

I had to learn it someway, well anyways, it was the 13th amendment that gave freedom to the blackman. But all the racist terms such as "nigger" and "slave" still stayed around as the Southerns were furious that the president would free these monkeys. In there terms there just idiots without an education to know that all people should be treated and be treated equally. But there just dumb rednecks in my eyes. But i cant really be racist because I am a mixed race. I am French West Indian, with French, American, and black, I could tell you a million more races that I am mixed with but then that would just make me a mut Abrahamn Lincoln, he was a very important man in history, freeing the blackman, and becoming one of the most intellagant, and best presidents of American History. He was the biggest family man that anyone new. Bring love home to his family and bring the food home as well. He also liked to spank his monkey very often and play with his kids, yes I no it is really weird. Any man has the right to do what they want so, therefore let him be. Know what i mean, well anyways, back to my story. If it wasnt for the man himself, Blacks would probally still be slaves to this very day. Cause after all, he did free them. Anyone know what amendment actually gave freedom to the blackman, well I do cause I learned in my 3rd period American History class, when we was studying our book one day we went over that kinda stuff it took a while but oh well. I had to learn it someway, well anyways, it was the 13th amendment that gave freedom to the blackman. But all the racist terms such as "nigger" and "slave" still stayed around as the Southerns were furious that the president would free these monkeys. In there terms there just idiots without an education to know that all people should be treated and be treated equally. But there just dumb rednecks in my eyes. But i cant really be racist because I am a mixed race. I am French West Indian, with French, American, and black, I could tell you a million more races that I am mixed with but then that would just make me a mut Abrahamn Lincoln, he was a very important man in history, freeing the blackman, and becoming one of the most intellagant, and best presidents of American History. He was the biggest family man that anyone new. Bring love home to his family and bring the food home as well. He also liked to spank his monkey very often and play with his kids, yes I no it is really weird. Any man has the right to do what they want so, therefore let him be. Know what i mean, well anyways, back to my story. If it wasnt for the man himself, Blacks would probally still be slaves to this very day. Cause after all, he did free them. Anyone know what amendment actually gave freedom to the blackman, well I do cause I learned in my 3rd period American History class, when we was studying our book one day we went over that kinda stuff it took a while but oh well. I had to learn it someway, well anyways, it was the 13th amendment that gave freedom to the blackman. But all the racist terms such as "nigger" and "slave" still stayed around as the Southerns were furious that the president would free these monkeys. In there terms there just idiots without an education to know that all people should be treated and be treated equally. But there just dumb rednecks in my eyes. But i cant really be racist because I am a mixed race. I am French West Indian, with French, American, and black, I could tell you a million more races that I am mixed with but then that would just make me a mut Abrahamn Lincoln, he was a very important man in history, freeing the blackman, and becoming one of the most intellagant, and best presidents of American History. He was the biggest family man that anyone new. Bring love home to his family and bring the food home as well. He also liked to spank his monkey very often and play with his kids, yes I no it is really weird. Any man has the right to do what they want so, therefore let him be. Know what i mean, well anyways, back to my story. If it wasnt for the man himself, Blacks would probally still be slaves to this very day. Cause after all, he did free them. Anyone know what amendment actually gave freedom to the blackman, well I do cause I learned in my 3rd period American History class, when we was studying our book one day we went over that kinda stuff it took a while but oh well. I had to learn it someway, well anyways, it was the 13th amendment that gave freedom to the blackman. But all the racist terms such as "nigger" and "slave" still stayed around as the Southerns were furious that the president would free these monkeys. In there terms there just idiots without an education to know that all people should be treated and be treated equally. But there just dumb rednecks in my eyes. But i cant really be racist because I am a mixed race. I am French West Indian, with French, American, and black, I could tell you a million more races that I am mixed with but then that would just make me a mut Abrahamn Lincoln, he was a very important man in history, freeing the blackman, and becoming one of the most intellagant, and best presidents of American History. He was the biggest family man that anyone new. Bring love home to his family and bring the food home as well. He also liked to spank his monkey very often and play with his kids, yes I no it is really weird. Any man has the right to do what they want so, therefore let him be. Know what i mean, well anyways, back to my story. If it wasnt for the man himself, Blacks would probally still be slaves to this very day. Cause after all, he did free them. Anyone know what amendment actually gave freedom to the blackman, well I do cause I learned in my 3rd period American History class, when we was studying our book one day we went over that kinda stuff it took a while but oh well. I had to learn it someway, well anyways, it was the 13th amendment that gave freedom to the blackman. But all the racist terms such as "nigger" and "slave" still stayed around as the Southerns were furious that the president would free these monkeys. In there terms there just idiots without an education to know that all people should be treated and be treated equally. But there just dumb rednecks in my eyes. But i cant really be racist because I am a mixed race. I am French West Indian, with French, American, and black, I could tell you a million more races that I am mixed with but then that would just make me a mut Abrahamn Lincoln, he was a very important man in history, freeing the blackman, and becoming one of the most intellagant, and best presidents of American History. He was the biggest family man that anyone new. Bring love home to his family and bring the food home as well. He also liked to spank his monkey very often and play with his kids, yes I no it is really weird. Any man has the right to do what they want so, therefore let him be. Know what i mean, well anyways, back to my story. If it wasnt for the man himself, Blacks would probally still be slaves to this very day. Cause after all, he did free them. Anyone know what amendment actually gave freedom to the blackman, well I do cause I learned in my 3rd period American History class, when we was studying our book one day we went over that kinda stuff it took a while but oh well. I had to learn it someway, well anyways, it was the 13th amendment that gave freedom to the blackman. But all the racist terms such as "nigger" and "slave" still stayed around as the Southerns were furious that the president would free these monkeys. In there terms there just idiots without an education to know that all people should be treated and be treated equally. But there just dumb rednecks in my eyes. But i cant really be racist because I am a mixed race. I am French West Indian, with French, American, and black, I could tell you a million more races that I am mixed with but then that would just make me a mut Abrahamn Lincoln, he was a very important man in history, freeing the blackman, and becoming one of the most intellagant, and best presidents of American History. He was the biggest family man that anyone new. Bring love home to his family and bring the food home as well. He also liked to spank his monkey very often and play with his kids, yes I no it is really weird. Any man has the right to do what they want so, therefore let him be. Know what i mean, well anyways, back to my story. If it wasnt for the man himself, Blacks would probally still be slaves to this very day. Cause after all, he did free them. Anyone know what amendment actually gave freedom to the blackman, well I do cause I learned in my 3rd period American History class, when we was studying our book one day we went over that kinda stuff it took a while but oh well. I had to learn it someway, well anyways, it was the 13th amendment that gave freedom to the blackman. But all the racist terms such as "nigger" and "slave" still stayed around as the Southerns were furious that the president would free these monkeys. In there terms there just idiots without an education to know that all people should be treated and be treated equally. But there just dumb rednecks in my eyes. But i cant really be racist because I am a mixed race. I am French West Indian, with French, American, and black, I could tell you a million more races that I am mixed with but then that would just make me a mut Abrahamn Lincoln, he was a very important man in history, freeing the blackman, and becoming one of the most intellagant, and best presidents of American History. He was the biggest family man that anyone new. Bring love home to his family and bring the food home as well. He also liked to spank his monkey very often and play with his kids, yes I no it is really weird. Any man has the right to do what they want so, therefore let him be. Know what i mean, well anyways, back to my story. If it wasnt for the man himself, Blacks would probally still be slaves to this very day. Cause after all, he did free them. Anyone know what amendment actually gave freedom to the blackman, well I do cause I learned in my 3rd period American History class, when we was studying our book one day we went over that kinda stuff it took a while but oh well. I had to learn it someway, well anyways, it was the 13th amendment that gave freedom to the blackman. But all the racist terms such as "nigger" and "slave" still stayed around as the Southerns were furious that the president would free these monkeys. In there terms there just idiots without an education to know that all people should be treated and be treated equally. But there just dumb rednecks in my eyes. But i cant really be racist because I am a mixed race. I am French West Indian, with French, American, and black, I could tell you a million more races that I am mixed with but then that would just make me a mut Abrahamn Lincoln, he was a very important man in history, freeing the blackman, and becoming one of the most intellagant, and best presidents of American History. He was the biggest family man that anyone new. Bring love home to his family and bring the food home as well. He also liked to spank his monkey very often and play with his kids, yes I no it is really weird. Any man has the right to do what they want so, therefore let him be. Know what i mean, well anyways, back to my story. If it wasnt for the man himself, Blacks would probally still be slaves to this very day. Cause after all, he did free them. Anyone know what amendment actually gave freedom to the blackman, well I do cause I learned in my 3rd period American History class, when we was studying our book one day we went over that kinda stuff it took a while but oh well. I had to learn it someway, well anyways, it was the 13th amendment that gave freedom to the blackman. But all the racist terms such as "nigger" and "slave" still stayed around as the Southerns were furious that the president would free these monkeys. In there terms there just idiots without an education to know that all people should be treated and be treated equally. But there just dumb rednecks in my eyes. But i cant really be racist because I am a mixed race. I am French West Indian, with French, American, and black, I could tell you a million more races that I am mixed with but then that would just make me a mut