Analyse the way australian discourses are constructed by the movie "Gettin' Square"

Essay by hilmer January 2005

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Johnny 'Spit' Spitieri, a braindead crook, a man who rebels against the establishment, recently released from jail is not having much luck abiding by his self proclaimed goal of gettin' square and staying off "the shit". The 'Spit' settles down in his working class, rundown apartment in a back alley of Surfers Paradise...

How would u describe this man on first impressions? A typical Aussie...? A thug...?

'Spit' creeps to the door only to be met by the voices of the CIC (Criminal Investigation Commission) enquiring to the landlord of his whereabouts. With one ear cocked towards the door he gives the muffled conversation his full attention and hears the landlord explain that that Spitieri has not been paying his rent. In a manoeuvre well practised many times in his career 'Spit' tries desperately to escape.

Jumping up and proceeding to climb out of his bathroom window, he struggles to fit his emaciated malnourished body through the small opening.

As he jumps to the ground, he stands dressed as a typical 'Aussie battler', "decked out" in nothing but dirty old underwear and a pair of thongs. He proceeds to run ...


ettin' Square, produced in early 2003, resonates these images of the Aussie battler and typifies perceptions of the Australian identity.

While Australian outback ideals have been revered and reinforced in recent years with television programs like Bush Tucker Man and films like Crocodile Dundee, an inclusion of the 'city life' has been added into the depiction of the Australian identity in the 1990s.

Following this progressive addition of the urban lifestyle, further shifts towards the beach have also been evident in the portrayal of the Australian identity. Although aspects of the beach have always been included in this identity, traditional Australian notions of identity, which were...