Britain after the 1st World War and what happened

Essay by pinkpigletCollege, Undergraduate March 2004

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Q: What was the Stressa front?


In March 1935 Hitler announced that he had an air force and that he was introducing an army of 500,000 men. Which was 5 times bigger than the regulations of the treaty of Versailles. Both were strictly against the treaty. Because of this Hitler couldn't be ignored. In April 1935 the head of government and foreign ministers on Britain France ant Italy met at Stressa. They condemned Hitler's actions and resolved to keep the existing treaty in Europe and to resist any further attempt of changing it by force. This was known as the Stressa front.

Q: What was the Anglo-German naval agreement?


1935 Britain was not afraid of Hitler because no naval rearmament was declared

December 1935 Anglo-German naval agreement was signed

Agreement stated that Germany was allowed to have 35% of Britain's capital ships and was allowed submarines in extreme cases

The agreement damaged the Stressa front

The other powers believed that Britain was going along with Germany, which was contradictory to the Stressa front

After 1935 many people still believed this but we know now that the foreign office & cabinet agreed

Britain believed that the agreement would keep peace as disarmament hadn't worked (mainly to do with France and their stubbornness)

At this time many British politicians were angry at France's flirtation with Russia (they believe that France was trying to encircle Germany which would encourage war rather than avoid it)

Britain was still importing its foodstuff through the navy therefore needed protection

Britain believed Japan to be a greater threat than Germany

Britain basically signed to protect the European waters and to ensure a naval superiority twice as great than in 1914

Q: What was the Hoare-Laval pact?


1935 Italy invaded Abyssinia

In December 1935...