Paganism is an ancient type of religion which has quite an inauspicious reputation today. There
are many types of paganism, most date back thousands of years, which include Wicca, Witchcraft,
Paganism, and a few other lesser known and practiced variations. Yet all of these religions are similar
and share common beliefs. Wicca is the most common of these, as it also demonstrates the shared
belief of doing good that is common to most forms of paganism. Another common belief, is to gather in
small groups, called covens, to practice pagan rites and ceremonies with others. There are many
ancient beliefs, archaic rituals, and forgotten traditions that are practiced by pagans. Many of these are
also the origins of widely practiced traditions in the Christian-dominated world of today.
A defining characteristic of many pagan religions, especially Wicca, is the worship and closeness
to nature. Pagans treat animals kindly and respect all things, living or nonliving, as though they were a
person (Roy N.
p.). They also share the worship of their nature gods, which increases their respect for all
that is around them (Roy N. p.). Pagans are very sensitive people that also have a high regard for
personal privacy (Roy N. p.). With this belief of privacy, many pagans have more time to keep in touch
with their inner selves and with the nature around them. Wicca, a more popular pagan religion, focuses
on the Earth and uses pure white magic to help others (Roy N. p.). In fact, the Wiccan creed is, "An it
harm none, do as thou will," which agrees with the "good" philosophy (Beliefs N. p.). Altogether, pagans
have a great deal of emphasis on the life and beauty of the nature that thrives around them and are
radically different than the...
A wonderful essay
Hello, my name is Nicole and I am wiccan. I really enjoyed reading your essay! It is nice to know that not everyone is confused about what Wicca and the Pagan religion are all about.
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