A comparison of the automotive industry in China and Japan and the impact on habitat and environment

Essay by SunnyiwasabiUniversity, Master'sA, January 2013

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A comparison of the automotive industry in China and Japan and the impact on habitat and environment

Word count: 2056

Table of content

Table of content


Main body

The development history of Chinese automobile industry…………..........3-4

The development history of Japanese automobile industry………………4-6

The impact on habitat in China and Japan

The effect of automobile industry development

in Japan and China to habitat..............................................................6-7

The similarities strategies effects on

habitat in China and Japan…………………………………………........7-8

The difference strategies effects on

habitat in Japan and China…………………………………………..........8

The impact on environment in Japan and China

The effects to the environment in Japan and China……………………8-9

The similarities strategies effects on environment

In China and Japan………………………………………………………9-10

The differences strategies effects

on environment in China and Japan…………………………………...10-12


Reference list…………………………………………………………………...13-14

A comparison of the automotive industry in China and Japan and the impact on habitat and environment


The global economy has increased with high speed in this century and the automotive industry is an important symbol of world development.

North America, Europe and Japan have taken the majority of production and consumption of automobiles. The most considerable problems include the performance, safety, comfort, and low pollution to the environment in this industry. Since social responsibility to the environment and habitat has become a topic of concern, automotive makers have considered this aspect as an important production impact. Therefore the revolution of the automobile industry is influenced by these facts, which relates to the automobile companies as well.

China and Japan are both Asian countries. However, there is a gap of economic development existing between these two countries. The level of economic development related to the automotive industry. As a result of a developed economy, living standards may be improved to people. This essay explores the differences and similarities between China and Japan which effects habitat...