Customer Loyalty

Essay by s0806463University, Master'sA, September 2014

download word file, 2 pages 0.0

When selecting a store, service or brand product to purchase consumers must

choose one entity over several others. Developing and maintaining a strong customer

loyalty relationship is a competitive advantage that every company must strive to

accomplish. The article Customer Loyalty: Toward an Integrated Conceptual Framework

by Alan Dick and Kunal Basu develops a customer loyalty theory to better understand the

influences of customer loyalty and its consequences. Based on past literature and

theoretical analysis, the conceptual framework developed provides executives and

managers the opportunity to manage customer loyalty.

Prior to 1994 brand loyalty was viewed as the attitudinal and behavioral measures

that result in repeat purchases (Lutz & Winn 1974). It was known that a strong relative

attitude toward a brand indicated a stronger chance of repeat patronage; however the

reasoning was not fully understood. Dick and Basu theorize using the multicomponent

perspective (Greenwald 1968) that cognitive, affective, and conative antecedents

influence the attitudes of consumers purchasing behaviors.

The accessibility of a brand

product from one's memory and the confidence attitude towards a service or brand are

examples of cognitive antecedents. Emotions, moods, primary affect and satisfaction are

affective antecedents that consumer's experience when considering a purchase. Switching

costs, sunk costs and expectations are the conative antecedents described in the

conceptual loyalty framework. Understanding and managing the attitudinal antecedents

that impacts the attitude-repeat patronage relationship allows entities to strengthen

customer loyalty.

Nonattitudinal influences of the attitude-repeat patronage relationship include

social norms and situational influences A family member or a friend's belief is a social

behavior. This factor can be positive or negative based on a significant others approval or

disapproval of a product. Situational influences including store promotions or reduced

prices can impact customer loyalty. In addition to the influences of the attitude-repeat

patronage relationship impacting loyalty, the...