Customer Service Business intermediate Unit 5

Essay by sllimzUniversity, Bachelor'sA-, March 2004

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Aims & Objectives: The aim of this essay is to produce a portfolio based on information I have collected on customer service of a chosen business of mine.

Why Customer are important

Sainsburys recognizes that to attract and keep cutovers they have to offer more than just fresh food. Certain incentives that Sainsburys uses to name a few are discount of many items, sainsburys own cheaper food brand and customer discount gift offer swipe point cards.

Gaining customer satisfaction and loyalty is very important this is why sainsburys continually try in keep in contact with their regurlay visitors. They do this mostly by phone and post, during these conversations the company representatives offers loyal customers special exclusive.

Customers are the most important part of Sainsburys without customers, there would not be a business! They must be given the highest standards of service so that they come back again and also tell their friends about the good time they had.

Excellent customer service brings a number of commercial benefits for leisure and recreation organizations, such as:

Increased sales

More customers

A better public image

An edge over the competition

A happier and more efficient workforce

Satisfied customers

Customer loyalty and repeat business

Personal presentation

First impressions count, particularly in the food industry as dealing with people is such an important part of the work. You need to understand that the way you present yourself to customers has a direct influence on their enjoyment, your job satisfaction and the future success of the organization that employs you. In particular, you need to understand the importance of the following when dealing with customers:


Personal hygiene



These points are important whether dealing with customers face to face, over the telephone or in writing.

Types of customers

Sainsburys food supplying services are...