Discuss If an accurate DSM-IV diagnosis is made treatment is straight forward.

Essay by debabelzUniversity, Bachelor's February 2006

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Even if an accurate early diagnosis using the DSM-IV has been made to confirm a childhood disorder, treatment is not necessarily guaranteed to be straight forward. In fact there are a lot of prevailing factors which may determine or impede the success of any given treatment no matter how eclectic it may be. While an early accurate diagnosis is imperative for maximum benefit, treatment must be adapted and changed to suit a child's ever changing needs and situations.

This essay will attempt to argue both sides of the statement that once a diagnosis has been made treatment will be straight forward, it will also explain how the treatment for child and adolescent eating disorders, and pervasive developmental disorders can follow on from this diagnosis and the hurdles a service provider may be faced with in an effort to achieve the best course of treatment for the child .

The DSM-IV is undoubtably a valuable tool for ensuring a fairly accurate diagnosis of a wide range of mental and psychiatric disorders.

In doing this it is effectively the basis for establishing effective treatment goals and plans, however it does not, nor does it claim to, guarantee the straight forward treatment of any illness or disorder that it aids in diagnosing.

An accurate diagnosis is vitally important and the DSM-IV is indispensable in assisting this, however it must not be assumed that treatment will always follow on in a unobstructed way as all individuals differ and it is highly unlikely that all will experience exactly the same symptoms or respond to the same treatments in the same way. What works for one may be totally uneffective for another. Therefore once a diagnosis has been made an individual treatment plan must be established considering the individuals particular needs, age, gender, lifestyle, socioeconomic status,