Essays Tagged: "New Zealand"

Privacy issues: ECHELON and the UKUSA agreement enable leading world governments to intercept the world's communications. A report discussing how and why they get away with it.

cret agreement called UKUSA. Under this agreement Australia has collaborated with America, England, New Zealand and Canada to spy on the communications of the rest of the world, sharing the resources ... in place since the 1970's, ECHELON was not uncovered until 1996 when Nicky Hager, a journalist from New Zealand, published Secret Power, a book which gave details about ECHELON and New Zealand's role ...

(9 pages) 162 0 3.9 Apr/2002

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Civil Rights

The Maori of New Zealand

The Maori people, the natives of New Zealand, have played a strongpart in the development and success of the small island nation. The ... to as 'down under'. Theyoriginally came first to Australia, but it was only a matter of time before NewZealand, Australia's tiny neighbor, was discovered also. The mighty English,who at the time was o ... rswon them the respect and admiration of the English. Presently, they holdpositions of power in the New Zealand parliament and are regarded as equalsin society.When a Maori takes a picture for the out ...

(2 pages) 46 0 3.5 Apr/1997

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

"How was the large immigration of overseas students affected New Zealand?" This essay is aimed at how kiwis see asian overseas students and how they contributes to the New Zealand economy.

In the last few years, the Asian student population has erupted across New Zealand. Just walk down any main road in downtown Auckland and some of the thousands of Asian st ... sian students staying in the city can be seen. As an Asian student myself but living permanently in New Zealand, I thought it would be interesting to see the country I call home through different eyes ... I call home through different eyes. I plan to focus my research on the reasons the students come to New Zealand, the financial effect they have on the country and what sacrifices their families make t ...

(3 pages) 55 0 4.6 Aug/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues

Democracy in Ecuador

's most varied countries despite its small size, which at 283520 sq. km is about the size of either New Zealand or Nevada State. Ecuador staddles the equator on the Pacific coast of South America and ... remained a peaceful colony during these centuries, and agriculture and the art flourished. Various new agriculture products, such as cattle and bananas, which still remain important in Ecuador today, ...

(7 pages) 69 0 3.0 Dec/1994

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science

Vaughan Fredrick Randal Jones

Vaughan Fredrick Randal JonesBorn: 31 Dec 1952 in Gisnorne, New ZealandKnot: Knot Theory is the study of the way a closed curve can be embedded in three dimensi ... y removing the knot from the R" in which it is embedded.Vaughan Jones attended school in Cambridge, New Zealand at St. Peter's School from age eight to twelve. He began secondary schooling in 1966 and ... for von Neumann algebras, continuing work begun by others. He is recognized for his discovery of a new polynomial invariant for knots which led to connections between apparently quite different area ...

(2 pages) 46 0 4.3 Nov/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Mathematics

Information on the Franz Joseph Glacier in New Zealand + the distance of the Glacier from Australia. (very short)

The spectacular Franz Josef Glacier, located on the West Coast of New Zealand's South island, descends to just 250 meters above sea level amidst the greenery of a tem ... ane, Australia, to the glacier is approximately 2500 km.Of all the accessible temperate glaciers in New Zealand, the Franz Josef Glacier is the steepest and fastest moving. While many glaciers worldwi ... and other evergreen species.This combination of ice and temperate rainforest is a unique feature of New Zealand's glacier country, and is an ecosystem found nowhere else in the world.Running through F ...

(1 pages) 60 1 2.5 Mar/2003

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

The Vietnam War.

thern part of Vietnam. The North allied with the United States and the South allied with Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Korea, and Thailand. During Kennedy's administration, the United ... they were both rescued and taken to a hospital where they spent Christmas Day and were released on New Years Day. [7]Ronald Zito is a Vietnam Veteran who was excited about going home. He remembers th ...

(7 pages) 59 0 3.0 Jun/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > Asian History

Top Ten Things I Hate About New Zealand.

I live in New Zealand, a country in the Antipodes, and here is my Top Ten list of things I hate about New Zeal ... I am severly sunburnt.8. The Government - their policy is to keep kicking you until you are down.7. New Zealand Law - You get fined for everything here!!!6. The AllBlacks (NZ's Rugby Team) - they symb ... all, so no matter what you do, it is unsustainable.My number one on the list of things I hate about New Zealand is .............THE FACT IT HAS NO MONEY SO I CAN'T GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! ...

(1 pages) 22557 41 4.0 Nov/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

Elaboration of No. 7 on the I Hate New Zealand Top Ten, as requrested by Yankee842

New Zealand fines you for everything.There is nowhere to park your car. Everywhere is paid parking. ... llions more fines that are waiting around the corner, I'm hoping to leave before I find out.This is New Zealand, the land of endless non-opportunity, suppression, oppression and aggression. The land w ...

(1 pages) 211 12 4.2 Nov/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

Select three countries that you believe would be most conducive to a small business owner trying to break into a foreign market

ure to cite your sources.The three countries that I initially targeted for research were Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Based upon the previously completed assignment for this class, I eliminated J ... use of the difficulty of "cracking" their various systems and political dynamics. I also eliminated New Zealand because of the small population and associated opportunities. The country that appears m ...

(2 pages) 127 0 1.8 Nov/2003

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management

The differences between common law and equity.

enforced throughout the whole of England and countries derived from England. E.g. Australia, Canada New Zealand and the United StatesCommon laws rules were too broad to deal with governing a society a ...

(1 pages) 15092 0 0.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law

If students cannot learn the way we teach them, we must teach them the way they learn.

There is a very clear relationship between social and educational outcomes in New Zealand establishing itself from early childhood. Our education system has developed over many y ... we must consider the history of our relatively brief education history.European settlers arrived in New Zealand in the 19th century hoping to better themselves economically. Most had left countries wh ... settlers class distinctions still exist as does our recognition of the abilities of the disabled. A New Zealand research study known as the Christchurch School Leavers Study (Lauder, Hughs and Taberne ...

(17 pages) 954 0 4.5 Mar/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

The Ace of Diamonds, Master of Big Jingles and The Paper Parcel are three New Zealand short stories written by New Zealander Owen Marshall

The Ace of Diamonds, Master of Big Jingles and The Paper Parcel are three New Zealand short stories written by New Zealander Owen Marshall. In these short stories the events ...

(6 pages) 33 0 4.6 Mar/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

child physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.

on children, as they become adolescents and adults. One such study that was conducted took place in New Zealand and consisted of 1,000 children being studied from birth until age 16. At the age of eig ... eling, community based programs as well as a host of other resources.Horizons Mental Health.SubjectsNew clients were sampled at 3 community mental health facilities. The mental health facilities were ...

(13 pages) 437 1 4.6 Apr/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community > Children and Youngsters > Child Abuse

Using example, illustrate how conflicts can arise from conflicting senses of place?

for each of the places.The different scales I have chosen to answer the above question are, firstly New Zealand, as the country had inhabitants who were settled upon by Europeans with a different sens ... n ideals often try to change it often resulting in conflict between them and the other local people.New Zealand originally was inhabited by people called the Maori, the Maori people who lived there ha ...

(2 pages) 34 0 3.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

A economic success in Ireland will be useful for New Zealand.

turning to their now thriving homeland. This report will look at the background of both Ireland and New Zealand to make comparisons of similarities between the two before going on to highlight factors ... g on to highlight factors that have been influential in Ireland's success and the main lessons that New Zealand can learn from this. These include attracting foreign direct investment and an investmen ...

(19 pages) 133 1 4.6 May/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management

A film can be entertaining and deal with serious issues at the same time. How is this revealed in the film 'Whale Rider' directed by Niki Caro?

ting and entertaining film that tells the story of a small Maori tribe, living on the east coast of New Zealand in Whangara, who appear to have lost all sense of faith and interest in the traditions a ... pire and guide them. They lack enthusiasm and in order to prevent the total loss of this culture, a new leader is needed to be recognised to lead the people back to understanding the importance of the ...

(5 pages) 89 0 5.0 May/2004

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies > Film Review and Analysis

Persuasive essay- Maintaining the Drinking Age

In Italy, France, and Spain it's 16. In New Zealand it's 18. In the United States it's 21, and in places such as China and Portugal there is ...

(2 pages) 161 1 3.0 May/2004

Subjects: Law & Government Essays

Tocqueville and democracy

is essay will also investigate as well as evaluating the value of those mechanisms for contemporary New Zealand. For Tocqueville, the primary meaning of tyranny of majority was shunning and sil ... re helpless, and American experience suggest for the resolution of the democratic problem to take a new turn by employing "administrative decentralisation." (Zetterbaum, 1967,p.87). American federalis ...

(29 pages) 131 0 3.7 Jun/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology


down of the two up coming economic giants, which was emailed to me from an anonymous address at the New Zealand Stock Exchange.The economic giant Telecom became a force in 1987 when it took over t ... mic giant Telecom became a force in 1987 when it took over the telecommunications department of the New Zealand Post Office and became a state-owned operation with a commercial focus. Instead of keepi ...

(3 pages) 48 0 4.3 Jun/2004

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays