How Does Hydrochloric Acid Affect The Time Of Magnesium to Dissolve?

Essay by LatinoHeatCollege, UndergraduateA, April 2004

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How Does Hydrochloric Acid Affect The Time Of Magnesium to Dissolve?


To find the relationship between the concentration of hydrochloric acid and the time taken by Magnesium to dissolve.


Rates of Reaction -

Factors that alter speed of reactions.

1. The temperature of reactants: reactions are faster when the temperature is raised, and slower if the temperature drops.

2. The concentration of dissolved reactants (that is how much of the reactant is dissolved in a particular volume of solvent): reactions are faster at higher concentrations, and slower when the concentration is lowered.

3. The size of solid particles: powdering a solid reactant (subdividing it) makes it react more quickly.

4. The amount of solid: using more of a solid reactant makes the reaction faster (providing all of it is in contact with the others) (reactant)

The Collision Theory:

A theory to explain reaction speeds.

Reactions can be speeded up or slowed down.

This is by altering the conditions of the reactants for example, reactions can be speeded up by making solutions more concentrated, or by raising the temperature.

1. Matter is made of tiny particles that are constantly moving.

2. The speed of the motion of the particles increases as the temperature rises.

- Theory from 'progress with chemistry, brian Stewart'

Kinetic theory -

State Properties Kinetic Theory Ideas

Gas Gases always spread out (diffuse) and fill up a container. They have no shape or volume of their own. Gases are very 'light' compared with solids and liquids ie they have low densities. Particles are moving about very fast all the time. The particles are a long way apart, so there is a lot of empty space between them.

Liquid Liquids have a definate volume (They dont fill any container they are put into) But they have...