Energy Conservation

Essay by jo201434University, Bachelor'sA-, April 2009

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The article I chose was about Vectren’s Energy Conservation. This article lets the current Vectren employees know that they will be letting its consumers know of a policy in place to give a rebate for the choice of an energy efficient appliance in place of a non energy efficient appliance. The cost of a non efficient appliance is higher but they will be offering rebates in order to encourage the switch. In the long run this should save a consumer money in face of the rising cost of gas. The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission has allowed Vectren to change the way it charges its customers. Vectren can separate the rate it charges. One charge will be for distribution and the other will be for the gas used, this has not been done in the past. In the past, Vectren has only charged for the gas used.

The author of this article clearly states the purpose of this article by telling the Vectren employees that they are informing the public about rebates offered for choosing energy efficient appliances.

The possibility of conservation is what interested me in this article and the effect on the consumer costs is why I chose this article. In my opinion, I disagree with the choice to give rebates by Vectren. With this decision they are now able to charge a second rate so that they are not losing money by offering these rebates. Consumers that can not afford or are unable (such as renters) to make these changes, to receive the rebate and to receive the benefits of the more efficient appliance, are now going to be paying the high gas bill and paying the second distribution rate.

I do have some direct influence in regards to this issue because my father works for...