Engg Reco

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's September 2001

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I have known Mr. Devang S. Saraiya for three years. My association with him began when he was in his second year of undergraduate studies at V.J.T.I.

He had to perform his laboratory experiments under my guidance in his second year for the subject "Electrical Machines". He consequently took a course " Electrical Machines" under me for two semesters in his third year. In this period I could observe him at close quarters. He is a sincere and a diligent student. In the practical sessions he always came up with some doubts and questions which showed me his willingness to learn. He also took a course "Introduction to System Design" under me in his final year. This course incorporated reliability analysis and linear programming. His interest towards this subject in particular was very keen. It was then that I realized that he could grasp new concepts with relative ease as compared with his peers.

Devang has always featured in the top 10% of his class academically. This again proves his sincerity and hard working nature.

I would strongly recommend him for MS, Ph.D. program in your esteemed university in the field of his choice. Financial assistance of any kind would go a long way in him fulfilling his dream.