Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship, Skydiving and Inertia

Essay by chrisviauCollege, UndergraduateA, April 2014

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Entrepreneurship, Skydiving and Intertie


Entrepreneurship, Skydiving and Inertia

Christopher Viau

Pitt Community College

Entrepreneurship relates to skydiving because in many ways entrepreneurship, like skydiving, is a leap of faith. Skydivers have faith that their parachutes are going to deploy unconditionally and safely bring them gliding down to the earth. Well, starting your own business has the same associated risks - especially in today's volatile economy - but that is a problem with society today. Accepting the possibility of failure is not a popular choice amongst many start-up business ventures. "The hardest part of skydiving is jumping out of the airplane" (D'Alessandro 2010, p. 1). The same may be said about starting your own business from only your idea. The toughest part is getting your idea launched. The same goes for skydiving. Seizing the courage to leap out of the moving plane while your 13,000 feet above ground level takes guts.

So does building your own business.

Entrepreneurs are defined as people willing to take risk in order to better themselves. When starting your own company you must be prepared for the unthinkable to happen: failure. When failure happens, pick up the pieces and try again. This attitude leads to success in many fields of competition, from the baseball to the water cooler. The most successful businesses are able to adapt and overcome, "You must excel at correcting course along the way- what some call pivoting. It is the final and most important term in the phrase Ready Fire Aim" (D'Alessandro 2010, p. 1). When free falling, parachutists must make small corrections in their body position to steer towards the direction that they wish to go. The same theory must be applied to business. An entrepreneur must analyze his market then make changes...