European Imperialism Consequences for non Western nations, explains the negative and positive things about imperialism for the non-western nations

Essay by nanubocaHigh School, 10th gradeA+, April 2004

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European Imperialism Consequences for non Western nations

The motives for imperialism were economic, political, religious, exploratory and ideological. The economic motives included the desire to make money, to expand and control foreign trade, to create new markets for products, to acquire raw materials and cheap labor, to compete for investments and resources, and to export industrial technology and transportation methods. About the political motives were based on a nation's desire to gain power, to compete with other European countries, to expand territory, to exercise military force, to gain prestige by winning colonies, and to boost national pride and security. Religious motives included the desire to spread Christianity, to protect European missionaries in other lands, to spread European values and moral beliefs, to educate peoples of other cultures, and to end slave trade in Africa. Exploratory motives were based on the desire to explore "unknown" or uncharted territory, to conduct scientific and medical researches, for the causes and treatment of diseases and to investigate "unknown" lands and cultures.

Finally, ideological motives were based on cultural values, Europeans should "civilize" peoples in other parts of the world, great nations should have empires, and only the strongest nations will survive.

There were lot of economic activities and technology kinds that benefited the non-western nations, for example the diamond mining in Africa, that give work to the Africans but that had negative things too. The education way acquired, the map made by Livingston's of Central Africa, British cartoon showing Chinese being swaged that helped them to trade with Chinese to make cash, spreads Christianity, and show them that they need to be civilized; they bagged ground hints in West Africa, because they were being sol, the great tea and pears' soup advertisements, helped them to make money, work, and exploring nation's a resources for...