Examining the Genetic Inheritance of Apricot Eyes and Wingless Mutations in Drosophila

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Examining the Genetic Inheritance of Apricot Eyes and

Wingless Mutations in Drosophila

Chris Wahl

Genetics (Biology 170)


We sought to gain further knowledge on the genetics in traits for the organism, Drosophila. Further, we sought to observe the mode of inheritance, number of genes and whether the traits we were observing were X-linked or autosomal traits. We would gain this information by the use of controlled breeding and Mendelian ratios.

When using controlled breeding it was necessary to know exactly what mutations we were working with and putting together. In our case, we were dealing with the apricot eyes and wingless mutations. Controlled breeding involves the development of specific predetermined strategies on when to begin and end a season of breeding. In our case, we controlled the breeding season with virgin female flies. We performed controlled matings of the flies and then analyzed the data we collected from those previous matings to draw conclusions on the genetic basis and mode of inheritance of the traits.

The duration of a season of breeding can depend on a few factors. These factors include the objective at hand, the size of the population being studied and the preferences of the experimenters. Some breeding does not last very long, just a few weeks, while others can last several months. Our controlled breeding lasted for a little over a month. During this time crosses were made between the Drosophila and analysis was gathered, as will be further discussed. In comparison, controlled breeding is used very commonly in with cow populations. "For beef breeders, using a controlled season offers many advantages. Restricting a breeding season to 60-70 days will produce a more uniform calf crop" (Sexton). This gives the breeders the option to market longer and more uniform lot sizes. Some of the same concepts...